Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to ccraider's message

LOL. You must selectively read or comprehend, because I've often cited my own cynicism toward PTSC.

And contrary to what you state, with respect to PTSC, it can be changed only by honest, forthright, proactive, and worthwhile actions by those who control PTSC. There's no reason for me to work on it or desire to change it without meritous action by those I cite, as it has served me quite well and has been the reason I have been able to correctly assess most of the companies actions and shortfalls over the last 4 years or so. If anything, it's the optimistic side of my personality that has betrayed me with my analysis of PTSC, not the cynical and realistic side.

Perhaps with some additional wisdom and soul searching on your part, you'll come to that sense of wisdom to realize who actually controls the actions and results of the company. All I can control is my efforts to effect change from without, and my decision to buy or sell. I'm sure you do cross your fingers for me to be successful, because if I were to be, it would mean significant improvement in PTSC's performance, lol, but your "hope" won't translate into anything positive without action, and unless those in control of PTSC are either replaced or begin to act in ALL shareholders' interests, you'll be making these same repetitive but empty and misguided points that you have been making for the last 4 years.

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