Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to stillpoint21's message

Why resort to personal insults rather than respond to the questions?!

Was it difficult to expect that the third, tie-breaking "independent manager", member of the PDS management committee would be more likely to side with the person writing his paycheck anytime there was an issue to be decided? Have you ever read the agreement to see what hoops PTSC would have to go through to contest decisions that were made by the "majority vote" of the management committee? Probably not. But then again, you're not a lawyer. But hey, guess what, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Pohl are!

If you were a forensic accountant, would you understand what controls were needed to ascertain whether there was "cooking the books" going on, or whether you could decipher whether expenses being charged were legitimate, or whether there was proper value being assigned to the proper products? If your partner who was formerly your adversary, was also selling his other products to the same companies he was selling your jointly owned product, wouldn't you think that might bear a bit more oversight than if they were only selling your jointly owned product? You're probably not a forensic accountant, but hey, guess what, Ms. Felcyn is!

If you gave $75M to your investment manager over the last 5 years to steward for you and he had only $22M of it left and had exhibited no definite ability to do anything more with it, would you still retain him as your investment manager? Afterall, isn't that what our BOD had done? They started with $3.7M in assets, and took in $125M in MMP NET revenues, paid about $19M in taxes, gave away about $30M in dividends, and now have $25.4M in assets, a net gain of $$22M. Essentially, they've blown $53M and still have no definite path to success. With that record of success, you say keep him on, and complain I'm monday morning quarterbacking. In your view, holding one accountable can only be characterized as monday morning quarterbacking.

You complain about my posts, so let me complain about yours. Provide some substance to back up your opinions! Explain why continued support of this BOD is warranted. Explain why lawyers and accountants shouldn't be held accountable for legal and accounting failures! Are you sure they didn't sell your helmet to cover their salaries as it appears you're having trouble connecting cause with effect.

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