Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to BaNosser's message

Leckrone clearly has no need for PTSC or their shareholders. They (TPL/Allicense) are - after all- at least in their minds - doing the heavy lifting and PTSC and their vocal little community of shareholders are simply-again in their minds- the undeserving beneficiaries of TPL/Alliacense hard work. It is this dynamic BY FAR that should be the most concerning for PTSC shareholders. Why is it that there continues to be this outcry that BOD is to blame for everything bad that has ever happened to this company that when in essence the Leckrone games dwarf any mistakes the BOD may have made? There are a bunch of people on this message board that don't get the scale of this dynamic and are determined to blame somebody other than themselves for their investment performance and have incorrectly zeroed in on the BOD. I don't get why there continues to be this concerted effort to direct the focus at the BOD. Now we'll hear from LL and others that "it was the BOD that agreed to do business with them etc etc. Is it fair or evenhanded to now go back over the history of PTSC decisions with the benefit of hindsight and slam them now going on SEVERAL YEARS for a decision that could not have been predicted to have gone this far wrong? Sure there were signs of TPL shenanigans and other causes for concern but what was the "better" option at that time all of you armchair quarterbacks??

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