Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to fatwollit's message

I'm pleased to see that everyone is beginning to come to the same conclusions as ccraider did some time ago....

One of our fellow members sent me a PM directing me to your post, and I took a break from writing a brief to read it. I'm glad I did --- I haven't been following whatever thread might exist, but your comment about cc's post certainly gave me a much-needed chuckle.

Everyone is "beginning" to reach the same conclusions as cc? You're kidding, right? I'm not trying to take credit for myself, because quite a few of the more knowledgeable, reality-based thinkers in this forum (Brian, BaNosser, Ease, LL, Wolf, to name just a few and with apologies to those not listed) have been trying to educate the forum for a very long time about the issues of control, patent ownership, and the likely limited effect of the PTO re-cert. As for myself, I was writing posts years ago back on Yahoo (and, I believe, subsequently here, although I didn't go back to check) about 100% control of licensing efforts and information being given to TPL through the Master Agreement, about how the issue of ownership is critical to understanding our current status, and about how the re-cert of the '336 was both expected and thus not the factor holding back PTSC's share price.

In any event, it is good that cc is now apparently beginning to get up to speed so as to at least be able to recognize the significance of these issues, among others. Or, maybe you just meant that more folks are beginning to be more "positive", like cc, on these points --- I continue to advise a rational analysis of the situation that continues to unfold rather than adding to the long line of horses that some members here have already assembled to a very few carts, but, then again, to each his own.

Best wishes to you and all.

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