Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

The messages over the weekend and the input from candidates and board members was superb.

Pete, I am glad that you are an investor but there is absolutely no way that I want you on the Agora Board any more than I want me on the Agora board. You are not needed and in my opinion not qualified to improve shareholder value.

Stan, I will wait and see. I listened to you on the conference call and was impressed. You are an excellent, superior shareholder with superior DD skills. This in no way entitles you to be on the BOD. NO WAY.

People, this is your money that these guys are playing with when they get on the BOD. They make critical decisions. Why do you think they brought armed guards to a shareholder meeting, flown in from CA? They have royally screwed up losing $20 million dollars based on the Goerner hustle. Why in the heck did the SON OF get a golden parachute the worthless b (anger speaking). We need no more problems than we already have. I voted against Johnson, Felycyn, and Falk the last time and it appeared many others did as well. Look at the votes Lambert posted. Maybe I shouldn't have voted against Johnson and Felcyn? They seem to perform tasks that have helped PTSC by auditing the books(Felcyn) and possibly Kicking Leckrone in the butt for his 2 critical errors that hurt both our patent process and $2 million rip off (Johnson). Somebody went after Lecky and did they ever need to. If he said to me to have a good day I would call 911 and tell them my life was just threatened! I voted for Mistry and Schrock and the only rationale to vote for them was maybe they could help PDSG. Have they??? How the heck would I know, do you? Baroni seems to be helping more than anybody. But who hired Baroni, who got after Leckrone, who fired Goerner (before we would be holding nothing right now as he was running the balance sheet toward zero). I believe it was Johnson??? or was it Flowers??? Whoever they were, they saved our ...

I talked with Cliff, he said what do you expect out of the board. Like Jim Cramer said WE KNOW NOTHING!!! NOTHING!!! We have no knowledge if they meet daily, weekly, except that they must meet annually. The 60 K per month that Ease mentions, they get on evaluating this small company with 2 major products is insane in my opinion. I think I did more than these BOD members by contacting my Congressman and pushing for PTO action. This does not mean I or Opty or others were successful because we don't know as everything is in the cloak of mystery. We do not know what Biajj ever did although he is a concerned shareholder and evidently we will never know because he is under the cloak of NDA. Don't you think Caplan won't be under NDA ??? He will have to fit in. He is better off being out here screaming as a concerned shareholder.

Remember this. Schrock and Mistry came fron 2 MAJOR technology companies. Felcyn is an auditor. She should be paid for her work like an employee on PDSG unless we are saving money by having her on the board? What about the Falk trust, this needs to be investigated. What hold does this anesthesiologist have on PTSC. THIS is total BS. If there is a strong rationale, as shareholders WE NEED TO KNOW. Enough of whats hiding behind CURTAIN#1.Get me to shut my mouth.

What do we REALLY need on the BOD.

1. A financial expert. Cliff Flowers has done excellently meeting each and every SEC requirement on a timely basis. BUT read what Wolf put out the other day, ie his crucial mistakes on securing the funds he lent to the crook, his mistakes with millions of dollars of funds with Deutsche Bank. Remember this is not Bank of America, this is an OTC BB stock. Even they make critical errors ie countrywide and they are among the brains of Wall Street. Yet we really count on this person and he appears to be an honest man with significant integrity.

2. A Legal expert. Carlton Johnson may have saved PTSC in his dealings with Leckrone. He may have definitely earned his pay. $1 million is the pay for PTSC for almost a full year. Leckrone has his mitts on $2 million with no return known as of yet.

We do probably need another lawyer in addition to Johnson. A PATENT LAWYER. This is our major revenue. Old Lecky said, hey I'm your patent lawyer. Don't worry be happy. However, these guys don't come cheap. I still believe that this expert is one we really need for 2 reasons, the MMP is our golden boy and it would be nice if we had another good patent or two as Bankerson was addressing. This would change the modus operandi. We don't have the staff of TPL and Alliasense. It is tragic for us that we don't have a good partner as this company could explode in the patent arena with a superior patent attorney.

3. Technology. We have this square filled. They should help PDSG or what are they doing? Could they help with patents, I don't know??

PDSG. If we continue to go this route, Baroni is the kind of person we need because he is connected. No matter how good your tech, you need support from a guy that has some control over a market segment.

This is all we need. Financial, legal, technological. Remember, we have one full time employee and maybe a secretary. He even took my call. Cliff is the jack of all trades and hopefully the master of the finance. It is a lean company that may overpay some BOD members, especially for the Falk trust? which I don't trust.

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