Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

Stan wants everyone to know that he will be posting here on agoracom very shortly.

He also wants everyone to know his objectives:

As stated in his letter to the board:

Mr. Caplan will strive to act in various areas. First, he will call for elimination of M&A

activity, at least until such time as the Company has sufficient funds and a better plan of evaluation and analysis to engage in such endeavors. Additionally, he will call for significant cost and expense reductions that are long overdue, and will seek resolution of the situation involving PDSG as recently posed by Ms. Felcyn. Finally, he will seek to resume Company communications with the shareholders on a reasonably frequent and productive basis, provide input on a solution for the TPL situation, and make suggestions on Board/committee compensation, all with an eye toward transforming PTSC, at least for the near term, into a dividend distribution company.

Stan does not want any CASH compensation and he is NOT looking for Title or Prestige. He runs his own successful business and being on the BoD is NOT something that he has coveted. However, as he stated, he cannot sit around and watch shareholder value go down down down.

Stan has said that IF he cannot effect some positive change within a 'reasonable' time, he WILL step down from the BoD. Again he is NOT looking to collect a fat paycheck for doing nothing. That is NOT his intent. IF he can help return shareholder value HE wins too as he is a LARGE shareholder and major supporter of PTSC.

Stan has also suggested that we put forth a slate of names for consideration on the BoD. The response we've gotten from all the loyal shareholders has been less than 24 hours. I feel confident that we can vote in several or more new BoD members if we stay vigilant.

Stan is looking in to what needs to be done to be included on the Proxy by Aug. 15th.

Are there any others that would be willing to stand with Stan? Emtenester?? Lamberts? Ron? Brian? We all know how intelligent, motivated and diligent all of these investors are.

What say you guys??

That's it for me today. Back to the salt mines I go.

GLTA of us.

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