Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

...10 posts today, and not one of them contains a single shred of information that might benefit anyone unfortunate enough to get involved. There is apparently no need to bother with intelligence and insight when we can trawl once more through the same paranoia-infested train of infantile self-consciousness whilst firing off metronomic volleys of righteous indignation like a puff-adder on amphetamines.

I can't work out whether this individual actually causes the discussion to disintegrate into brain-mulch, or whether the idea is to wait until things get ugly before attempting to make a complete pigs breakfast of the whole sorry show. In either case, the appearance of the name is enough to signal that this board should be avoided until the offending participant heads back to the teabagging party that is obviously short one dominant member.

In the meantime, the board pressure on the BOD, which actually seemed to result in some form of meaningful communication, completely evaporates. All meaningful discussion completely evaporates. Anyone with an actual interest in the stock, company, licensing, earnings, PTO or lawsuits can just wait in line until we have established, for the umpteenth time, that those that shout the most often and sceam the loudest are absolutely infallible and definitively correct in all utterances.

Can I make it easy for you - you are right, always were and always will be. Congratulations.

Now can we get back to the bit where we discuss how we all get rich, please ? That would be so much better fun...

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