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At the risk of getting dragged into this mental septic pool, I'll repeat myself just once:

"Look - I have no interest in who is right or wrong here. I could not give even half of a scabby rats ass."

I show up here approximately 4 times a year - to get some pre- and post quaterly report or AGM comments from others supposedly interested in the return on their investment. I don't have night-and-day to ponder the intricacies here, I just want to be able to judge whether this company is worth more or less of my time and money. End-of.

Most times I show up, however, there is some mind-bendingly stupid argument rumbling on, and you are usually front-and-center, yanking the chains of those who still unfortunately think that your issues can be satisfied by logical discourse and dissemination of relevant information. They are neither correct, or could be described as "my friends". I truly wish that they, and you, would stop.

What y'all get up to during the rest of the quarter is bewteen y'all, but you have to recognise that all this meaningless crap has nothing to do with the company, and everything to do with your inflated sense of self-importance.

When your ego starts to make me money, I'll be happy to massage it for you in any way that improves the PPS. In the meantime, I'm sure many would be grateful if you could put it away for a day or two until investors decide how to proceed with their investments.

over 14 years ago
Re: Opty....

Look - I have no interest in who is right or wrong here. I could not give even half of a scabby rats ass. Winning these arguments is akin to having the most unusual skin disease at the dermatologists office.

Rebecca could start a fight in an empty room, and she seriously enjoys winding you guys up. She doesn't care whether she is right or wrong either, she'll say anything that gets her the maximum attention.

That supposedly intelligent people don't recognise this, still rise to it every time without fail, and continue to perpetuate it to the detriment of everyone else is a shame on all of you. Wise up all of you - this is total nonsense. Y'all need to get serious, because there is more at stake here than the collective fevered egos.

Now - I think we should replace the board of directors - whaddaya think :))

over 14 years ago
Re: Opty....

Not only off-topic but boring in the extreme...

Don't y'all have some high-peeing contest to participate in, and leave the rest of us in peace?

Enough already, please !

over 14 years ago
A valuable contribution...

...10 posts today, and not one of them contains a single shred of information that might benefit anyone unfortunate enough to get involved. There is apparently no need to bother with intelligence and insight when we can trawl once more through the same paranoia-infested train of infantile self-consciousness whilst firing off metronomic volleys of righteous indignation like a puff-adder on amphetamines.

I can't work out whether this individual actually causes the discussion to disintegrate into brain-mulch, or whether the idea is to wait until things get ugly before attempting to make a complete pigs breakfast of the whole sorry show. In either case, the appearance of the name is enough to signal that this board should be avoided until the offending participant heads back to the teabagging party that is obviously short one dominant member.

In the meantime, the board pressure on the BOD, which actually seemed to result in some form of meaningful communication, completely evaporates. All meaningful discussion completely evaporates. Anyone with an actual interest in the stock, company, licensing, earnings, PTO or lawsuits can just wait in line until we have established, for the umpteenth time, that those that shout the most often and sceam the loudest are absolutely infallible and definitively correct in all utterances.

Can I make it easy for you - you are right, always were and always will be. Congratulations.

Now can we get back to the bit where we discuss how we all get rich, please ? That would be so much better fun...

over 14 years ago
On the record - response

I use the term 'our' board accurately. I did not say 'my' board, 'their' board or 'the company's board'. It is equally available to all who register and agree to abide by the TOS. It belongs no more to you or I than anyone else, thus it is 'our' board.

When an individual, (e.g. TCR, Ehwest) or faction (yourselves) attempt to usurp a public forum for their own (financial, political, or as I suspect in your cases, psychological) benefit, it is the perogative of other members to act to defend the integrity of the forum. I support the collective decisions and actions made to remove the previous offensive members, and I suggest to you that the January episode was simply the equivalent of the forum voting on a motion that you cease your volumionous posting of increasingly nasty personal attacks - a motion which appeared to be carried by a significant majority, in a manner which you could not ignore. I'm a great believer in the power of democracy and the freedoms enshrined in the first ammendment, and sincerely wish that yourselves, as good Americans, would accept and respect the wishes of the majority. Sadly not, it seems.

Regarding my motivations for this action - I am truly tired of the debate and discussion here being sidetracked into personal insults and the integrity of individuals being constantly questioned. I am not a stupid person, and no more believe that Ron and Brian are acting from a truly altruistic perspective than I believe that Greeneyes was once the CEO of a public listed company. As many found out during the 1950's, it is very easy to question someone's integrity, and very difficult to defend your own - people in glass houses should be wary of throwing integrity-boulders around...

I am in no way trying to scare off long investors, or amuse myself at your expense. All I want to see is the return and maintenance of a basic level of conduct and decorum, where thoughts and ideas can be shared and discussed without the inevitable (and purely self-motivated) descent into the tediously famiiar exchanges of which you should both be ashamed of. Believe it or not, others here can spot BS as well, and we do not need your siege mentality, paranoid delusions and pithy one-liners to sort the wheat from the chaff. The truth is that your contributions make this task more difficult.

over 16 years ago
Re: on the record - Manor

The January episode to which you refer was not 'wholesale character incrimination', but simply an attempt to reclaim our board from the never-ceasing daily nonsense that you and your associate insisted on repeatedly posting. Whilst ignoring of the number of respectfully-worded requests that you stop, the personal and bitter nature of what appeared on these threads steadily increased. It had gotten to the point where pretty much any statement made was met with a tiresomely predicatable volley of vitriol and reactionary chest-thumping. The feeling of relief when you were both shouted into giving it a rest was palpable, and for a few pleasant weeks, people were able to act and interact like responsible adults.

Please be assured that the entire episode wasn't pleasant from my perspective either, and it was certainly a great shame (I use the word carefully) that it was required in the first place.

Since the major sources of your intellectual outrage have since departed both the company and this board, I would have hoped that your cooler heads might have prevailed. Recent days have suggested otherwise though, and I do detect a large pot of simmering resentment and malignant self-consiousness threatening to boil over.

Can I suggest now that it might be a good time for you both to back off a little, and to leave the personal attacks and questioning of personal motives to those who, quite frankly, do it better. You can be sure that there is not much that will escape analysis and discussion by the clever people here, and if you spend your time reading and thinking instead of posting when you get the urge, you might surprise yourself by what you learn.

over 16 years ago
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