Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to greeneyes111's message

I use the term 'our' board accurately. I did not say 'my' board, 'their' board or 'the company's board'. It is equally available to all who register and agree to abide by the TOS. It belongs no more to you or I than anyone else, thus it is 'our' board.

When an individual, (e.g. TCR, Ehwest) or faction (yourselves) attempt to usurp a public forum for their own (financial, political, or as I suspect in your cases, psychological) benefit, it is the perogative of other members to act to defend the integrity of the forum. I support the collective decisions and actions made to remove the previous offensive members, and I suggest to you that the January episode was simply the equivalent of the forum voting on a motion that you cease your volumionous posting of increasingly nasty personal attacks - a motion which appeared to be carried by a significant majority, in a manner which you could not ignore. I'm a great believer in the power of democracy and the freedoms enshrined in the first ammendment, and sincerely wish that yourselves, as good Americans, would accept and respect the wishes of the majority. Sadly not, it seems.

Regarding my motivations for this action - I am truly tired of the debate and discussion here being sidetracked into personal insults and the integrity of individuals being constantly questioned. I am not a stupid person, and no more believe that Ron and Brian are acting from a truly altruistic perspective than I believe that Greeneyes was once the CEO of a public listed company. As many found out during the 1950's, it is very easy to question someone's integrity, and very difficult to defend your own - people in glass houses should be wary of throwing integrity-boulders around...

I am in no way trying to scare off long investors, or amuse myself at your expense. All I want to see is the return and maintenance of a basic level of conduct and decorum, where thoughts and ideas can be shared and discussed without the inevitable (and purely self-motivated) descent into the tediously famiiar exchanges of which you should both be ashamed of. Believe it or not, others here can spot BS as well, and we do not need your siege mentality, paranoid delusions and pithy one-liners to sort the wheat from the chaff. The truth is that your contributions make this task more difficult.

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