Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
almost 15 years ago
Re: Agoracom
almost 15 years ago
Re: Agoracom
almost 15 years ago
Re: Agoracom
almost 15 years ago
Re: Agoracom
almost 15 years ago
in response to BillinAustin's message

Good day to you all.

Thank you for your personal comments, your insights and for your participation within the Patriot Community.

I wanted to take a few moments out of my holiday weekend to quickly address your concerns and provide a final rebuttal on what has been happening on your investor controlled hub the weekend 24 hours.

Our primary mandate is to provide investors with a forum where they can exchange their investment views, discover new facts about their investment or simply to keep up with their fellow shareholders without the Bashing and the Spam that exist on any other forum.

In an effor to to keep this forum as fair as possible to all participants, we extend a fair bit of leeway to each and every member. After all AGORACOM was built on a system of trust - from the trust we extend to our members and our Hub Leaders, to the trust you then share with each other as a community to behave in accordance to this Forums 6 rules of use.

However our lenience is quite clearly starting to work against us. As such, my thinking is we will start coming down hard and terminating those who seek to be part of the problem and not part of the solution.

As you know, we don't run advertising on the site, so we don't have any incentive to maximize page views (sacrificing quality for quantity as other sites do). As such, terminating people who are never happy with either PTSC and/or AGORACOM is going to be the new paradigm as of tomorrow.

This is the last weekend I take away from my family. The last weekend of appeasing unhappy "longs". Patriot Scientific is doing its best to create shareholder value as it sees fit.

What some will no longer have is the ability to continually "criticize" the company under the auspices of "I'm long but not happy with how the company is being run." Whether you sell and move on is up to you - but what good can holding and critizing possibly bring to you and your peers?

I am doing this because many messages posted here contain great information that required plenty of thought and research. As such, it would be a shame to burry that knowledge in a sea of your uncontrolled emotions. That is for forums other than AGORACOM.

Kindly note that banning accounts will be the paradigm of tomorrow. If you can't respect each other and their views we will no longer tolerate using this site as your personal rodeo.

Kind Regards,

Andreas Marouchos

Community Director

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