desert-weary's Profile

Not Retired any more. PTSC didn't come through fast enough - YET. But my priorities haven't changed. Spreading the GOOD NEWS along with 1) Member of Veterans' Honor Guard preforming final promotion ceremonies 2)Trying to stop the disintegration of this GREAT COUNTRY 3) Grandpa duty 4) Honey-do target 4) Selling Clocks, Limoges, Meissenon & pocket knives 5) stock market student & 6) Other stuff my wife assigns ; Now I really need another 4-5 hours a day for my jobs.

desert-weary's Posts

One more thing...

I can't leave without saying THANK YOU to Ronran for all the time he spent answering my question and the responsiveness and attitude he had with them.

Thanks Ron


over 8 years ago

I've had it and am going to cash in all my shares and take my $130K loss. 124,350 going up now. Good bye. 12 years of pain. I hope they enjoy the money they stole from all the hopeful shareholders. I've contemplated saying something really nasty but that would probably only be a compliment to them. I can't think of anything nasty enough to match their actions and contempt for us.

It's been nice knowing some of you people and meeting some at the SHMs. So sad this didn't work out.


over 8 years ago
Re: Special thanks

Yes, well done. But... I wonder if they will even read it. Why would they? And if they do I imagine that they will paste a coy smile as they toss it in the trash. I don't see this zebra changing its stripes.

I do appreciate the time and effort it took to construct this great heartfelt message. And I hope that I'm 100% wrong in my forecast of their response.

I'm afraid that I view my glass as being 7/8 empty - at best.


about 10 years ago
Re: And thanks to BaNosser!!

Agreed. Thank you, BaNosser - VERY MUCH.

about 10 years ago
Re: Any Reasons?...powzon and all...


I wish we had an EnPassant maneuver we could put on Lecky and the thieves infringing and watch their jaws drop open as we snatch away their major piece. We could call it "StikIt2UNow" and ask "So, feels good, huh?"

over 10 years ago
Re: Any Reasons?...powzon and all...


So we continue to be flat on our back with their hands around our throat and the knee in our chest. We can't breath and because we haven't had a good meal in the last couple of years we don't have the strength to fight back. One of our only hopes is the guy standing near by watching may call for some help or help us himself. Oh, here he comes now - but, wait it Lecky and he's lifting our wallet and smiling. Oh this is a very slow and painful way to go and to think of the wonderful dreams we had that could have been...

Now the remaining hope is karma will surface and right this monster wrong.

I know, I'm always looking on the bright side.

DW, Long till the end (I used to say long and strong but now I'm too old and not strong any more).

over 10 years ago
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