Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to billwilke's message

I've tried to post this response to you several times, but everytime I'd hit the submit button, Agora would instead log me off. This was happening to me yesterday on the PM system too. Don't know why, but I'm on a different computer, so it appears to be allowing me to post now. Perhaps Agora can figure out why that was happening to me and tell me if it's them or my computer.

I do agree in large part with what you say, though I think adding value to PTSC through M&A based on limited funds available is just as challenging for him. That being said, I get the sense that the relationship with Leckrone will be handled better than it has been in the past years with Pohl and Turley. I say that from the perspective that RG brings apparently strong managerial credentials to the table, and to date has communicated in a strong, professional and direct way, and to date, he's created, IMO, the perception that he is a strong and serious manager who is experienced in guiding companies through similar circumstances that PTSC is attempting to negotiate. Granted, he needs to successfully translate those perceptions into sustained action, but I think he's at least of to a good start, as best we can tell, anyway.

I think Leckrone will find a less sympathetic ear in Goerner than he might have found with Pohl, and perhaps Turley, with respect to TPL being able to control what PTSC does without challenge, but again, that remains to be proven as fact. I'm optimistic that he will do so based simply on what we've seen to date, but I'll believe it as fact, when there is sustained action that proves it. I think he will.

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