Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to ignited's message


I'm not selling yet.  You know me I'm an optimist and want to trust people. 

The licensing has really gone quite well and I'm happy that we settled with the J's.  I think many here thought the first mover discounts went on too long but I always felt that the dozens of companies that were in negotiations early would all get discounts and I have no problem with that.  The licensing seems to be stepping up and the wording of the PR notices would suggest that we are asking for more money.  It's frustrating that PTSC has realized about $100M from the MMP so far and yet we sit at 50 cents.  Other penny stocks could only dream of such numbers. 

The non communication by JT is also discomforting.  One would think he could communicate something to us within the guidlines of the NDA unless PTSC wants to keep a lid on the SP at this time. 

We're saying wait until April and I'm thinking that in April we all may be disappointed again based on expectations without guidance.  We could very possibly have a $25M quarter and yet see a sell off again because the earnings were expected to be higher because the market thinks all the J's settlement is included.  Is it always going to be wait until the next license, or the next quarter or the next big company or the next aquisition? How many licenses does it take?  How many dollars does it take?  Are we always going to see the SP decline on good news?  What does it take to move this stock and hold higher?  I can't explain it so that's why I said it must be my destiny that I am not supposed to make money on this stock.

I do feel pretty stupid for holding long on this stock all this time and riding it up and down without trying to increase my holdings by flipping at least a portion of my shares.  Hind site is 20/20.  

Maybe this whole thing is going to take a few more years to develop and not as fast as many think it should or would or could.

Confused but holding long,

All the best,


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