
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.

Well it was just a random Tuesday afternoon last week and I was minding my business going down the sidewalk on my electric skateboard in SoCal. Somehow I hit an edge 1/4inch drop down of an uneven abutment of cement. My foot slipped and I was catapulted about 10 feet forward onto the cement. My right foot caught under me and I slammed my right femur. It was a beautiful SoCal day, sun shining and about 78 degrees out. I laid for the most part immobile on the side of the side walk. I felt a little like someone out of the book "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion." by Cialdini. Being mid 40's on the side of a side walk in SoCal on a beautiful day usually can indicate that you are homeless, so no none really checks on you, or are you of their concern. So I sat there for a bit, nobody checking on me. I was lucky though because I did land on my cell phone and nothing happened to it. I was able to call the ambulance to take me to the hospital. Almost a week later I am convalescing at home with a plate and screws in my hip and able to walk with a walker. This was the first time in my life I became completely disabled. It really has given me a new perspective on life. I was lucky I was conscience after my fall and able to call via cell phone. Lots of people especially young kids and elderly do not have this luxury when they fall not to mention the people who fall and are unconscious or disorientated from head trauma.

This brings me to Nunchi. As I remember the initial description of Nunchi dealt with a kid who fell on his bike and somehow Nunchi was able to help him because it detected a change in habit or situation awareness. My experience echoes this experience and has really brought me to the realization of the need for Nunchi.

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