sinacull's Profile

sinacull's Posts

Airborne Wireless ABWN Context awareness?

I was watching this stock and wondering if EDIG could help with network context awareness etc.  Check it out.  It seems like interesting tech.

over 7 years ago
Re: turning the calendar to 2017

Empirical evidence vice Imperical... I thought this thing had a spell check.

over 7 years ago
Re: turning the calendar to 2017

Does anyone have a logical explanation for the above?  Is this company in business to show a profit or for some other reason?

Answer: Little or no sign of monetization of assets yet. For the last 18 odd years of Imperical evidence, shows no sign of change. However as the saying goes past performance doesn't always dictate future returns.  Guess we will see what 2017 brings.  At least we will have a more business friendly administration to look forward to.

over 7 years ago
Re: .03

Usually when times look bleak it is time to buy.  However I do not know what the future holds for edig.  I am still kicking myself for not buying XMSR several years ago when it was .03 now well over $4  Can't play the could of would of should of game in the stock market.  But we don't have the NY media money xmsr had or Howard Stern. The opportunity cost of holding edig over the years has been devastating for many but that is just tough luck and if it doesn't pan out in hind sight a bad choice. Time will tell.

almost 8 years ago
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