
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
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United States Patent Application 20130029647
Kind Code A1
Nunally; Patrick O'Neal January 31, 2013



A device to automatically provide differing information levels according to a predetermined social hierarchy includes a memory and a processor. The memory stores social templates corresponding to unique social signatures and being selectable to provide, for each level of the predetermined social hierarchy, a corresponding differing amount of information to each member of the predetermined social hierarchy and/or a social networking service. The processor receives sensor data from a sensor set which detects sensor data related to an environment of a communication device, creates a detected social signature from the received sensor data, determines which of the social signatures of the social templates has the greatest correspondence with the created social signature, retrieves from the memory the determined one social template having the greatest correspondence, and provides only as much information as allowed in the retrieved social template.

Inventors: Nunally; Patrick O'Neal; (Escondido, CA)

Nunally; Patrick O'Neal



San Diego

Family ID: 47075509
Appl. No.: 13/646158
Filed: October 5, 2012
Related U.S. Patent Documents Application NumberFiling DatePatent Number
12891875 Sep 28, 2010 8311522
Current U.S. Class: 455/414.1
Current CPC Class: G06Q 50/01 20130101; H04M 3/42348 20130101; H04M 2203/655 20130101; H04W 4/16 20130101; H04W 4/206 20130101; H04W 4/22 20130101; H04M 1/72569 20130101; H04W 4/185 20130101
Class at Publication: 455/414.1
International Class: H04M 3/42 20060101 H04M003/42

1. A method for transmitting data, comprising: acquiring no less than two sensor readings, whereby the step of acquiring is performed by a user device; generating a social signature associated with said no less than two sensor readings; identifying a particular social template corresponding to said generated social signature; and transmitting data based on said identified social template, whereby one or more requirements defined by a social hierarchy restricts the set of target devices to which the data is transmitted.

2. The method of claim 1, wherein: the step of identifying includes determining whether the one or more requirements are satisfied by the social signature; and the step of transmitting includes transmitting data to one or more target devices.

3. The method of claim 1, wherein: the step of identifying includes determining whether the one or more requirements are satisfied by the social signature; and the step of transmitting includes transmitting a data message, a data file, or a data stream.

4. The method of claim 1, wherein: the step of identifying a particular social template is performed using one of a voice recognition, a facial recognition, a machine learning, or a pattern recognition technique on the acquired sensor information; and the particular social template is one of recognition of a particular person, recognition of a particular place, recognition of a particular activity, recognition of a circumstance or recognition of a particular object.

5. The method of claim 1, wherein: the social signature includes location and time information associated with said acquired no less than two sensor readings, the location information includes a GPS location, the time information includes a particular date and time associated with the no less than two sensor readings.

6. The method of claim 1, wherein: the social template includes location and time information associated with the client device, the location information includes a GPS location, the time information includes a particular date and time associated with the no less than two sensor readings.

7. The method of claim 1, wherein: the step of generating the social signature includes acquiring calendar information associated with a user of the client device; and the social signature includes a description of a calendar event associated with the user of the client device, the calendar event associated with a particular time at which the step of acquiring is performed.

8. The method of claim 1, wherein: the step of generating the social signature includes acquiring calendar information associated with a user of the client device; and the social template includes a description of a calendar event associated with the user of the client device.

9. The method of claim 1, wherein: the step of transmitting data based on said identified social template, is based on one or more requirements defined by the social hierarchy which include determining whether a target device is provisioned to receive said data transfer from a server.

10. The method of claim 1, wherein: the step of transmitting data based on said identified social template includes transmitting a data transfer request to the target device, transmitting data based on the social template to the target device, and receiving approval for a data transfer from a server to a second target device.

11. The method of claim 1, wherein: said transmitted data represents a message, a command, a file, an application or a data stream.

12. The method of claim 1, wherein: the step of transmitting data based on said identified social template includes determining whether a social hierarchy is satisfied by the said identified social template.

13. The method of claim 1, wherein: the client device is a mobile device; and the target device is a non-mobile device.

14. The method of claim 1, wherein: the client device is a mobile device; and the target device is a mobile device.

15. The method of claim 1, wherein: the client device is a non-mobile device; and the target device is a mobile device.

16. The method of claim 1, wherein: the client device is a non-mobile device; and the target device is a non-mobile mobile device.

17. A method for distributing data, comprising: acquiring no less than two sensor readings, whereby the step of acquiring is performed by a client device's transmission of sensor information via a network to a server; generating a social signature associated with said no less than two sensor readings; identifying a particular social template corresponding to said generated social signature; detecting a transmit condition whereby one or more requirements defined by a social hierarchy limits the set of target devices to receive data; and automatically transmitting data to the allowable set of target devices in response to the detected transmit condition.

18. The method of claim 17, wherein: the social template includes location and time information associated with the client device, the location information includes a GPS location, the time information includes a particular date and time associated with the no less than two sensor readings.

19. The method of claim 17, wherein: the social signature includes location and time information associated with the no less than two sensor readings, the location information includes a GPS location, the time information includes a particular date and time associated with the no less than two sensor readings.

20. The method of claim 17, wherein: the step of identifying a particular social template is performed using one of a voice recognition, a facial recognition, a machine learning, or a pattern recognition technique on the sensor information; and the particular social template is one of recognition of a particular person, recognition of a particular place, recognition of a particular activity, recognition of a circumstance or recognition of a particular object.

21. A method for receiving data, comprising: acquiring data based on no less than one social template of a first device; acquiring no less than two sensor readings, the step of acquiring is performed by a second device; generating a social signature associated with said no less than two sensor readings; identifying a particular social template corresponding to said generated social signature; detecting a receive condition whereby one or more requirements defined by a social hierarchy determine when to receive data associated with said first device; and receiving the data associated with one of the social templates of a first device.

22. An electronic device for transmitting data, comprising: an optical sensor, an audio sensor, an accelerometer and a GPS sensor to capture data; and one or more processors, the one or more processors in communication with said optical sensor, said audio sensor, said accelerometer and said GPS sensor, the one or more processors receive one or more data transmissions representing a social signature, one or more social signatures are analyzed for correspondence to at least one social template, the one or more processors determine whether one or more requirements of a social template are satisfied by one or more social signatures, the one or more processors transmit data based on a social hierarchy to one or more target devices.

23. The electronic device of claim 22, wherein: said social signature analysis is performed using one of a voice recognition, a facial recognition, a machine learning, or a pattern recognition technique on the sensor information.

24. The electronic device of claim 22, wherein: said social signature analysis is performed using one of a voice recognition, a facial recognition, a machine learning, or a pattern recognition technique on the sensor information, includes detection of an emergency condition associated with a particular person.

25. The electronic device of claim 22, wherein: the social template includes location and time information associated with the client device, the location information includes a GPS location, the time information includes a particular date and time associated with the no less than two sensor readings.

26. The electronic device of claim 22, wherein: the social signature includes location and time information associated with the no less than two sensor readings, the location information includes a GPS location, the time information includes a particular date and time associated with the no less than two sensor readings.w is the description and claims.

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