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Re: License count and revenue numbers in recent post...?


Shareholders have a right to express their displeasure with the actions of management and the BOD. Remember,   Fred serves at the pleasure of the Board and the Board has a responsibility to shareholders. 

Are you saying we should just sit buy and let things progress without doing anything? 

At a minimum shareholders should express their concerns to the new board members. 

It's beyond comprehension that we shareholders should just sit back and watch our company be managed into bankruptcy. 

"what can we do" and "nothing will change" is giving up and letting someone else decide your fate.

Send correspondence to the new board members expressing displeasure with the current direction and management of the Company.

over 7 years ago
Re: License count and revenue numbers in recent post...?

With all due respect, I'm not talking about just stopping by to discuss info I know he can't discuss. 

I've been on his side of the desk with a Fortune 200 Company. There is plenty of info that can be discussed thru PRs such as progress on our patents, customers using our products like we did with the airlines. Don't remind me of NDAs- we should structure them so we can disclose our partners. I could go on but won't.

I feel we are content developing patents and litigating. Show me I'm wrong.

Why can't we brag about our partners to help us get new partners? Allowing an attorney to rule decision making is a terrible mistake.

over 7 years ago
Re: License count and revenue numbers in recent post...?

What more is there at this point. It has become clear that Fred and the BOD have decided to go quiet even though their shareholders have requested more communication from the Company. If I lived closer to the Company HQ I would certainly be more involved in seeking a dialog with mgmnt; however, I don't.  I've even researched the options available to shareholders to force more openess but that requires more from me than I can give at this time - I am getting long in the tooth and have recently battled health issues. Although I am fine now, one has to consider all things in life, not just edig. 

There are steps shareholders can take to gain more control over the destiny of their Company. Just realize that it takes a committment of time and energy - and a few bucks - to encourage and/or force leadership to be more forthcoming. There are individuals on this forum who have the knowledge and insight to make something happen if they decide to take on the challenge. Management is counting on noone stepping up and have put a few roadblocks in place - all of which can be circumvented - to discourage those who try. It your Company folks.


over 7 years ago
Re: License count and revenue numbers in recent post...?


Be careful using averages because most settlements have been with smaller companies where one would expect smaller amounts. 

The keys, in my opinion, is if there is ongoing revenue from the Google settlement and the size, and structure, of the settlements with larger companies going forward.

over 7 years ago
Re: Since Mar, 2008.../DISCHINO

"unless a patent thief refuses to settle, which has NEVER HAPPENED, a settlement occurs."

What about Colorado????

The one time we litigated all the way we lost. I'll take the settlements and, hopefully, licenses any time.


almost 8 years ago
Re: MAX Smart Home Chooses Ayla IoT Platform to Connect its Safety Products.

Our issue is that we need a tangible product to sell, not just patents. Do we have a "chip" or software available for prospective customers to review? If not, all we can do is litigate after the fact and share our "revenue" with attorneys. Not a good way to maximize/leverage intellectual property.

almost 8 years ago
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