
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
in response to emit's message

I do not believe that it shows anything about how much he thinks about our technology.

He can think that the flash patents are worthless and he can be wrong.

He can think that Micro Signet and Nunchi are a bunch of whooey and not have the full picture of the market potential and again be wrong. He doesn't know what other companies think of our technology or what technologies that they may have that would be complimented by our tech. There are over 50 companies looking at Nunchi. Have they all told him exactly what they are thinking?

For those that say he has never purchased a single share, I say show me proof of such a statement or I consider it to be bashing. Never is a long time and a strong statement.

We know zero about his personal life. We know zero about his personal finances. Maybe he is dealing with a sick parent or a high needs child and does not feel he has extra money to invest because of obligations that must be met regardless of what he thinks about the future of Edig.

He or Mardee or Renee may not currently own shares, but I want to see proof that they never have bought before believing posts that state it as fact.

I believe that I try to view things objectively. Try to not get too high or too low and try to talk about things that are clearly only my opinions and try to not make statements of fact mostly because I know little facts.

Unless those that complain enjoy being miserable, which there are people that do, sell and move on and rid yourself of the poison that is Edig. Admit to yourselves that you messed up when you purchased the shares. Fred, Alan or Woody did not force anyone to buy the stock it was bought out of greed and expectations of profits.

The last time that these types of posts appeared I told myself that I would not respond or let them bother me, as you see I have failed. This is now the new last time and the end of it for me.

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