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Re: thumb this post if owned EDIG 10 to 15+ years

Yup. Been here 14 years. I'm doing well. Even though I've been mostly lurking I feel like I'm part of a family, last name EDIG.

over 10 years ago
Re: thumb this post if owned EDIG 10 to 15+ years

14 years. Mostly lurking.

over 10 years ago
Show me the evidence

I wish I could understand all this legal stuff and am grateful that posters here are able to shed some light on that aspect of this whole thing. While it may be clear to everyone here that all these companies are infringing on our Patents, why is it that there is wiggle room for Judges to interpret the facts differently. The hard evidence is there somewhere where, no matter what influence these high dollar companies may have, the judge simply cannot make a negative decision against Edig. I hope when the time comes, Handel will have his ducks in a row. I've been a long time investor, who just hope this gets resolved soon(in our favor of course).

almost 11 years ago
Re: e.Digital Appeals Collateral Estoppel Court Ruling -- Wow

Is this confidence inspired by an inflow of cash(settlements)?

almost 11 years ago
Re: A scenario of our legal battle

Conspiracy theories aside, if there is any validity in what's being implied here, doesn't that indicate mis-representation by DM. If they deliberately tried to bury EDIG, there must be some recourse to legal action against them. What was the reason given for changing law firms? Did EDIG come to realize they were duped. I've been lurking a long time on this endless roller coaster and haven't commented but I'm angry now at the thought of something like this going on.

about 11 years ago
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