Zenyatta Ventures Ltd

in response to Tidal Pool's message

Without getting too specific, there are very strict rules regarding full disclosure. They are easy to find with an internet search.

When a company is reporting exploration or metallurgical results, it is a legal requirement that they fully disclose all their results and findings. Leaving things out is as serious as telling a lie.

We are all investors and we depend on full disclosure to make our investment decisions. If we are not given the benefit of full disclosure, then we are making investment decisions based on incomplete or false information. The regulators take a dim view of that.

A successful investor always has to read between the lines. Companies always put their best foot forward in news releases etc. Companies will stretch the limits if they think they can get away with it. Let's face it the regulators can't read every report or NR. Like the police they often rely on investors etc to alert them to fraudulent activities.

So the investor that asks the most pertinent questions is often the one that makes the right decisions.

If a company has to "write or rewrite a full chapter" to report their results, then that is what they must do to satisfy the regulators and to be fair to investors. They don't get to make that choice, it is a legal obligation.

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