Zenith Epigenetics

in response to BearDownAZ's message

Warning To Readers: This post contains speculation. The writer has endeavored to avoid "wild speculation", as some readers are offended by that. But there is speculation in this post, as that's what human beings sometimes do on bulletan boards like this. (I'm including me here in the category of "human beings", which some may argue about too.) Please read on with discretion, good judgement, and only if your delicate sensibilities can handle a little speculation. Thank you.


Hi Bear: In my view, that's an interesting response by the company. According to that response (and if you take the response on its face and assume that the website is currently updated), they don't have any events planned for Zenith. Nor have they had a single event past last June 20th.

Even for quiet Zenith that is highly unusual.

Yes, there have been times in the past when the Zenith website was out of date. I remember a time about a year and 1/2 or two years ago that I had to pointedly remind them to update the website. And they did. So even then they had future events planned.

But this is a bit different. I can't remember a time in the past when Zenith did not have any future events planned.

If this is indeed the case (and they don't have any future events planned), then that is very odd. And even more odd given the move of the AGM date.

Knowing this, I'd say that the plot has thickened - with respect to Zenith that is.

(Of course, I'm sure we could come up with lots of theories as to why they moved the AGM out months and have (apparently) zero events planned.... but one such reason comes immediately to my mind. Hmmmmmmm.).


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