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Analyst Rating Change Notice

Received this in my BMO Investorline account.  I haven't seen the Morningstar report, but I think going from a 2 star to 3 star rating can't be a bad thing.  Too bad they didn't put in a target price - would have been nice to get some indications.

An analyst rating or target price change has occurred for stocks in your portfolio.

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Rating Date
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Current Target Price

Morningstar Quant Research
2 Star
3 Star


over 7 years ago
Pfizer and Astellas Announce Top-Line Results from Phase 4 PLATO Trial of XTANDI® (enzalutamide)

The Phase 4 PLATO study, evaluating the efficacy and safety of continued treatment with XTANDI® (enzalutamide), plus abiraterone acetate and prednisone as compared to treatment with abiraterone acetate and prednisone alone, did not meet its primary endpoint of improvement in progression-free survival (PFS) in patients with chemotherapy-naïve metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) whose prostate-specific antigen (PSA) has previously progressed on XTANDI.

I'm thinking this may be good news for Zenith.  This assumes that the new 1b trial we are undertaking will show that benefits will ensue if ZEN-3694 is taken in conjunction with XTANDI.  Pfizer may then say "we'll buy it".



almost 8 years ago
Pfizer's PCSK9 Inhibitor bococizumab - further development being scrapped

Based on this article, it seems PCSK9 might not be the greatest road to travel either.

Pfizer said bococizumab gradually lost its potency in reducing "bad" LDL cholesterol and caused more irritation at the injection site than similar recently approved drugs.

Also quite costly. Wonder if Amgen and Regeneron's drugs will see a similar fate.

Maybe another reason to renew interest in the RVX approaches to improving CVD health.


almost 8 years ago
Re: date and time


I would say there is a very high probability that the Zenith AGM will be held at the same location as the Resverlogix AGM. The offices are only a few blocks away for the two companies. Zenith AGM has followed Resverlogix AGM in previous years.


almost 8 years ago
Re: Zenith AGM Dec 15


I think rather than the Star Factory or Dark Matter theory, we may need to change to the Black Hole analogy. With black holes, information can go in, but it doesn't come out, at least not easily. When it does come out however, it is usually at wavelengths that no one except Norman Wong and Stephen Hawking can interpret. <grin>

Image result for black hole

I too am hoping that we get a few tidbits of information coming out at the Dec AGM. Would be nice to see this star shine -- maybe even go supernova.


almost 8 years ago
Re: Resverlogix Announces Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders

I've been at these a few times and don't see anything unusual about what they've communicated to us. There is usually about 30-45 minutes of "formal" business where directors are appointed, financials are confirmed, and any voting on "special items" takes place. Most of the time, an RVX person makes the motion, someone seconds it, a show of hands is taken and the motion is passed (since proxies have been given to people representing large share blocks).

After that, DM usually goes into a corporate update. It expect it to be quite similar to what we hear from the Yale Club coming up. There is usually a Q&A session after he goes through the slides.

The only thing that might be different is that they haven't yet identified all the items that will be on the formal agenda. There is still time for a "deal" to be proposed in time for the meeting and shareholders would likely be asked to vote on it. I believe any such thing will need to make it out to us by Nov 15, so that we have time to make our votes known electronically.

I'm glad it's being webcast this year. I don't plan on taking notes to the extent I have in past.

Still waiting for a few things to make it onto the scorecard that we saw last year. Things such as additional analyst coverage and the partnership are still outstanding.


almost 8 years ago
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