Zenith Epigenetics

in response to Toinv's message

Just a couple more points regarding my rant(and it really wasn't a rant) re Sarah's response.

  1. Why do this "name change" (it really is a formal and legal restructuring) now because we know that there will be no royalty revenue from Resverlogix for at least 3 or 4 years. If anyone has information that RVX will generate royalties very soon please let us know.
  2. If there is no plan for an IPO and yet as they said Zenith Capital will sell all or most of it's interest in Zenith Epigenetics then does it mean that Zenith Epigenetics is being sold to a private concern or some other entity? This would be a clear reason for why they are moving quickly.

I don't consider myself to be the brightest light bulb in the "Christmas tree" but I do have a degree in honours mathematics and I hope I still can work my mind through some basic logic. So when I am confused and see a whole other group of people that are confused about what is happening with assets they have invested in and have no control over then I get suspicious and I really believe we should all be concerned on this one. As others have said that this deal looks like the original spinco that created Zenith and what have we gotton from that deal. Nothing at all in 2 and 2/3rds years.

Finally, there is no reason why Don cannot explain the following simple little qustion to a slow thinker like me in a straight forward manner. "Don, I own X Zenith shares now. If the motions are passed on Jan 7th then how many shares will I own in Zenith Capital and how many will I own in Zenith Epigenetics and what value (s) will be assigned to these shares and why?".

There are other obvious questions such as how is Zenith planning to raise capital to fund it's operations and conduct researck, etc.

I realize various posters have explained their version of the structure but I am no longer clear and convinced. Sarah's response to BDAZ makes me believe there is something fishy going on. Her response also indicates that she has little respect for the concerns of retail Zenith share holders (hope I don't get my fingers spanked for that comment :))



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