Zenith Epigenetics

in response to BearDownAZ's message

BDAZ thanks for the effort. Much appreciated. And thanks f6 and all of the insightful posts on this issue recently.

I remain completely confused and very frustrated.

There must be underlying reasons for this type of response from Sarah in terms of non-disclosure.

This is very typical of both Zenith and Resverlogix and IMHO part of the reason for the strong under valuation on the Resverlogix side.

Dr Peter Johann has left the Zenith board to be replaced by Dr Wong. Why? Has Johann kicked the tires and decided that there is nothing of value at Zenith? Probably not because NGN still has about 13,000,000 shares of Zenith. So...is there action on the NGN side?

I can understand why Zenith must insure that they don't send out information which would have the potential to create some bias in favour for certain interests (if certain events occur in the near future) but I sure cannot imagine what they would be????

Clearly some strategic thinking must have gone into deriving the $34.4 million. If not, then why does it exist? If this is just a name change then why give arbitrary value to 2 different assets.

So, if Zenith is just changing it's name then why do it? And, why divide the 2 asset groups? And why have Zenith Epigenetics as a wholly owned company within Zenith Capital? And why address them that way...just change the name! e.g. Zenith Epigenetics is now called Zenith Capital (end of story...no $34.4 million, etc). And why say that Zenith Capitial will sell all or most of the assets of Zenith Epigenetics? And then who are they selling to?

Clearly, whatever is going on must meet the needs of Eastern and NGN or it will not happen. And yet management requires 66.66% of the votes for approval. It might well be possible to block this if everyone bonds together and votes our proxies against this action.

Then, however, what is the alternative? This requires some solid critical thinking. Us retail shareholders do not have any idea what assets this company has in concrete terms. For example we do not know about potential partners, we don't know about scientific progress, we don't know if their epigenetic platforms are so advanced that BP is actually giving serious consideration to some sort of deal or partnership.

A central issue for me has been liquidity of my Zenith shares. It's been 2 and 2/3rds years since Zenith was spun out of Resverlogix. If this is just a name change then Don has not achieved any progress on the Zenith liquidity issue.

There can be no reason why Don can't clarify the reasons for the share structure, the valuations and also be very clear about what shares each of us owns (will own) in the new structure and this must be done immediately so that we can organize our position on our proxy votes.

In some ways I feel a bit sorry for Sarah in these situations. IMHO the optics for her look very bad but she is the messenger and her story has been scripted. She is stating what she has been told. That is normal. However, with this particular meaasge of her's it should raise big flags for all of us even if in the end it is just a name change and the liquidity issue will carry on for another year.

Anyway, I apologize for this rant but Sarah's response IMHO is completely unacceptable and I had to get my POV off of my chest.

We (or I feel) that the science is very promising but on the business side the way this Zenith change, as answered by Sarah, is another set back in terms of the credibility I afford to Don. He has achieved great success but this makes me wonder.

My request to Don is to just be clear to us and do it quickly!


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