Winfield Resources

Welcome to the Winfield Stock Hub Engineering, procurement, construction & management of crude oil refineries.
in response to VerbalKent's message

Does he have the best intentions or is he just trying to apease. Honestly I don't know but whatever he's doing its not working.

As to the "blaming"I'm not blaming anyone on this forum as much as I am saying there is no, zero, notta credibility on this forum. Sadly this has been proven time and time and time and time ...well you get the picture. Why do people continue to get sucked in by the crap posted here.

VK to absolve MF of blame is just wrong. He has screwed up period. Can he right the ship? Maybe. But up til now he has screwed up. You can't blame the banks, the economy, the Libyans or the little green men. The blame is squarely on the shoulders of MF. He is the President. Somthing he is doing or not doing is why the pattern repeats itself. When things go wrong like they have it should be on him. He continues to lose credibility if that is even posible at this time. Maybe if you questioned him on his moves like many of us here have and not just turned a blind eye you would feel differently. Then again maybe your life in Shangra la is the way to go. In many ways I wish I could be as carefree as you seem to be.

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