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Re: MF wants to clarify ....

Morning Via How are you and hows the summer goin? I think Foley honestly ( interesting word choice I know) believes he can pull the wool over everyones eyes. Come on he made a mistake blamming Bouvier du Font? Give me a break! Is he pathological?

Maybe time for a poll. How many out there still believe in this mug?

about 13 years ago

Unfortunately no its not. But thake heart the Nato is protecting our sign.

over 13 years ago
Re: WWF to issue update Baccalla

I am speculating that unfortunately this new info will do little in providing any new light on the subject. I asked and recieved( I will give Foley credit for that) an update. Basically same old same old with a slight new twist. I believe what I recieved is pretty much what was posted on here in the last 10 days or so. You will enjoy that the phrase ongoing and positive was used. lol

over 13 years ago
Re: WWf isn't dead yet!/Oscar/Reply

First off Oscar don't put too any stock into "ranks". Really means nothing. Secondly sorry but my questions to you were rehtorical. Hoping that I would help you see that there is clearly somthing not right here. Don`t think you can argue that.

I have spoken to Foley in the past on several occasions and would describe many of those conversations the way you did. Unfortunately what he portrays and says have never come to fruition. Problem is I no longer have the ability to believe anything he says.I will be sending him a note re this latest fiasco. If you have read anything I have ever posted before you will understand that I have preached don't believe anything with this company until its official. How many times have we been hyped crap. All we have ever been told has amounted to nothing more than b.s. Like Braniff I want nothing more than to have WWF succeed. I have lots invested in it. I will be the first to eat crow and humble pie should I be proven wrong. As I also said I admire your optimisim however I also think that you need to realize that myself and others have expressed an opinion that so far has proven correct and until WWF or Foley actually make this work we don`t deserve your scorn.

over 13 years ago
Re: WWf isn't dead yet!/Oscar

Oscar although I admire your optimisim I think that you really need to take a real hard look at what has transpired.

Bouvire du font as mentioned as the project finacier by Foley in several corespondsence as well as by Roy/gumby on the conference call as having secured funding yet weeks prior to the conference call Bouvier du font was listed as heading into bankruptcy.How can a company heading into bankruptcy be securing a massive funding venture? Whats more disturbing is how can Foley not have known this and allowed the conference call. Why has Foley not publicly addressed this?

You are right about one thing there is more to this story than what we know. Problem is Foley has cried "wolf" to many times to believe anything he says.

As for his statement to you...nothing has changed. Its the same old line, same old story "wwf ongoing and positive."

over 13 years ago
Re: To Foley and the Hub Leaders

Braniff this is one of the best reponses I have read here. You really hit the nail on the head. I have been questioning the integrity of these guys for quite some time. Amazingly few else did. Anyone doubting this send me your e-mail and I can forward dozens of e-mails from two of our hub leaders claiming all sorts of insider knowledge with headings like "for your eyes only" "highly confidential" etc..

Gumby/Deacon and whomever else your alter ego was you continue to amaze me with your lack of character. By the way I thought you were never going to post on here again. remember your 5 year old hissy fit name calling rant to me on here a month or so ago? You claimed "you were done posting on here for good". Well just more evidence of that solid character of yours shinning through again I guess.

over 13 years ago
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