Winfield Resources's Profile

Welcome to the Winfield Stock Hub Engineering, procurement, construction & management of crude oil refineries.

Winfield Resources Limited, Vancouver, British Columbia, TSX.V : WWF.H, is a Canadian based petroleum company focused on "Discovered Reserve Opportunities" and to acquire or jointly develop oil properties, on which substantial acquisition, exploration and development expenditures have been made.

The Company’s primary business is the engineering, procurement, construction and management of crude oil refineries.

The Company’s intended business includes the building, owning and operating of one or more oil refineries in Northern Africa.


A cease trade order has been issued by the British Columbia Securities Commission on July 8, 2008, against Winfield Resources Ltd. for failing to file the documents indicated within the required time period: comparative financial statement for the period ended Dec. 31, 2007.

Measures are being taken to rectify the cease trade order.

On Jan, 9 2009. a PARTIAL REVOCATION ORDER was completed to vary the Cease Trade Order to allow it to issue up to 3,000,000 units (the Units) at a price of $0.05 per Unit pursuant to a private placement (the Private Placement).

Each Unit consists of one common share and a warrant to purchase an additional common share at an exercise price of $0.10 per share for a period of two years from the closing of the Private Placement.

Winfield has an authorized share capital of 250,000,000 common shares of which 57,940,319 common shares are currently issued and outstanding.

Trading on the TSX.V is expected to resume in 30 – 60 days.


Winfield holds a License, dated February 5, 2008, and valid for 25 years, to refine petroleum in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.

Winfield has identified a site at Nouakchott, Mauritania to construct and operate a 300,000 barrel per day oil refinery. Read More:


Winfield Resources Limited has received approval from the Libyan Foreign Investment Board with respect to the Company’s application to build, own and operate a new 300,000 barrel per day stand alone oil refinery at Ras Lanuf, in the Great Jamahiriya of Libya. Read more:


Winfield has made application to build, own and operate a greenfields, stand alone 300,000 barrel per day oil refinery in the tax free Port of Zarzis in the Republic of Tunisia. Winfield is seeking a crude oil supply agreement from the National Oil Corporation of Libya.


Winfield has made application to build, own and operate a greenfields, stand alone 300,000 barrel per day oil refinery in the Kingdom of Morocco. Winfield is seeking a crude oil supply agreement from Sonangol, the Angolan State Oil Company.

KBC Process Technology Ltd. of Surrey, UK

Winfield has engaged KBC Process Technology Ltd. of Surrey, UK, under a Services Agreement (dated November 12, 2007), to provide consulting services and technical support to include refinery configuration review; refinery product yields and qualities; marketing plans; technology selection and licensor selection; energy efficiency review; project design basis document review and project schedule strategy review. KBC has also been engaged to create a bankable feasibility report to within +/-10% final project costs

Winfield has negotiated a feedstock arrangement with Macron Petroleum Company Limited to provide the Nouakchott, Mauritanian oil refinery with 300,000 barrels per day of Venezuelan crude oil, at a US$9 discount per barrel.

Winfield has engaged Devereux Project Finance of London UK (“DPF”) to act as the Company’s project finance consultant, to source, negotiate and arrange an acceptable offer of finance for the engineering, construction and operation of the proposed oil refinery.

Enhanced Oil Recovery

Winfield complements its primary business of refining with enhanced oil recovery (“EOR”) activities. This second business creates additional feed stock for refining.

Winfield has acquired D + S Engineering of Calgary, Alberta, to provide oversight and management of new EOR opportunities.

Winfield Resources Limited has entered into a joint venture arrangement with Creative Energy Systems (CES) of Edmonton, Alberta, to exploit waste oil deposits for recovery to refinery grade feedstock’s. Winfield is currently exploring opportunities in North Africa for waste oil remediation.

The commercial terms agreed upon have Winfield holding an undivided 60% ownership interest to CES’s 40%. CES is to operate the assets in place and be responsible for the day to day management.

After debt retirement Winfield or nominee will control the asset. All equipment will be of new manufacture or retrofitted to new standards. Construction will fall under ASME Spec. (American Society Mechanical Engineering); CWB (Canadian Welding Bureau) and ABS (American Bureau of Shipping)

Fuel Ethanol

Winfield is also seeking an entry into the fuel ethanol industry. In 2007 Winfield engaged TDI Technologies of Edmonton, Alberta to prepare a full feasibility report for the creation of a ethanol feedlot facility to be located near High Level, Alberta.

The High Level report is based on an earlier TDI Technology design basin Poundmaker, Saskatchewan.

The Poundmaker facility use wheat as its feedstock and extends the food chain by combining a 25,000 cattle feedlot, using The protein portion of the wheat kernel, with a fuel ethanol capability, using the starch component of the wheat kernel. This approach distinguishes itself from the corn based ethanol plants that compete directly with corn derived foodstuffs.

The Government of Canada has mandated that by 2010, 5% of all motor vehicle fuel retailed in Canada must contain 5% Ethanol, which would raise national demand to 3 billion litres (bl) a year.

The Company’s primary business is the engineering, procurement, construction and management of crude oil refineries. The Company’s intended business includes the building, owning and operating of one or more oil refineries in Northern Africa.

In April 2008, the Company created a 100% wholly owned Barbados subsidiary to manage its international operations, and to operate under the existing income tax treaty signed January 22, 1980 between the Government of Canada and the Government of Barbados.


Winfield holds a Licence, dated February 5, 2008, and valid for 25 years, to refine petroleum in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.Winfield has identified a site at Nouakchott, Mauritania to construct and operate a 300,000 barrel per day oil refinery.Winfieldhas engaged KBC Process Technology Ltd. of Surrey, UK, under a Services Agreement (dated November 12, 2007), to provide consulting services and technical support to include refinery configuration review; refinery product yields and qualities; marketing plans; technology selection and licensor selection; energy efficiency review; project design basis document review and project schedule strategy review.KBC has also been engaged to create a bankable feasibility report to within +/-10% final project costs

Winfield has negotiated a feedstock arrangement with Macron Petroleum Company Limited to provide the Nouakchott, Mauritanian oil refinery with 300,000 barrels per day of Venezuelan crude oil, at a US$9 discount per barrel.

Winfieldhas engaged Devereux Project Finance of London UK (“DPF”) to act as the Company’s project finance consultant, to source, negotiate and arrange an acceptable offer of finance for the engineering, construction and operation of the proposed oil refinery.


Winfield Resources Limited has received approval from the Libyan Foreign Investment Board with respect to the Company’s application to build, own and operate a new 300,000 barrel per day stand alone oil refinery at Ras Lanuf, in the Great Jamahiriya of Libya.

In addition, The Libyan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Investment has issued a decree, dated 29/05/2008, granting Winfield the license to refine oil for a term of 25 years.

Winfield has received conditional approval from the National Oil Corporation (“NOC”) of Libya to crude oil supply arrangement. Winfield will purchase 150,000 barrels per day of crude oil from the NOC, specifically Amna and Sirtica blends.

Winfield will purchase the remaining 150,000 b/d from other sources where the crude oil is heavier than the Libyan blends and where the corresponding discounts support better refinery economics.

The sale of the crude oil by NOC to Winfield shall be in accordance with NOC’s general terms and conditions, at official international market prices.

This feed stock supply arrangement is valid until March 20, 2009, and may be extended upon approval by the NOC provided that during that period Winfield continues to executeits implementation strategy which would include environmental impact studies, critical path project plan definition, detailed process design, licensor selection, contractor selection, EPC project execution, and initiation of the refinery.

Winfieldhas engaged Devereux Project Finance of London UK (“DPF”) to act as the Company’s project finance consultant, to source, negotiate and arrange an acceptable offer of finance for the engineering, construction and operation of the proposed oil refinery.


Winfield has made application to build, own and operate a greenfields, stand alone 300,000 barrel per day oil refinery in the tax free Port of Zarzis in the Republic of Tunisia. Winfield is seeking a crude oil supply agreement from the National Oil Corporation of Libya.


Winfield has made application to build, own and operate a greenfields, stand alone 300,000 barrel per day oil refinery in the Kingdom of Morocco. Winfield is seeking a crude oil supply agreement from Sonangol, the Angolan State Oil Company.

Enhanced Oil Recovery

Winfield complements its primary business of refining with enhanced oil recovery (“EOR”) activities.This second business creates additional feed stock for refining.

Winfield has acquired D + S Engineering of Calgary, Alberta, to provide oversight and management of new EOR opportunities.

Winfield has entered into a joint venture arrangement with Creative Energy Systems (CES) of Edmonton, Alberta, to exploit waste oil deposits for recovery to refinery feedstock’s.The commercial terms agreed upon have Winfield holding an undivided 60% ownership interest to CES’s 40%.CES is to operate the assets in place and be responsible for the day to day management. After debt retirement Winfield or nominee will control the asset. All equipment will be of new manufacture or retrofitted to new standards. Construction will fall under ASME Spec. (American Society Mechanical Engineering); CWB (Canadian Welding Bureau) and ABS (American Bureau of Shipping)

Other Business

TDI Technologies of Edmonton, Alberta, has prepared for Winfield a full feasibility report on the proposed High Level, Alberta, fuel ethanol facility.Winfield is seeking debt finance to build a feedlot-ethanol facility near High Level, Alberta.

Narrative Description of the Business

Winfield’s primary business is the engineering, procuring, construction and management of standalone crude oil refineries.High commodity prices and low interest rates are the drivers behind this business direction.

The overall economics or viability of a refinery depends on the interaction of three key elements: (i) the choice of crude oil used (crude slates); (ii) the complexity of the refining equipment (refinery configuration); and (iii) the desired type and quality of products produced (product slate).

Refinery utilization rates and environmental considerations also influence refinery economics.Using more expensive crude oil (lighter, sweeter) requires less refinery upgrading but supplies of light, sweet crude oil are decreasing and the differential between heavier and more sour crude is increasing.Using cheaper heavier crude oil means more investment in upgrading processes.

Payback periods for refinery processing units must be weighed against anticipated crude oil costs and the projected differential between light and heavy crude oil prices.

Crude slates and refinery configurations must take into account the type of products that will ultimately be needed in the marketplace.

The quality specifications of the final products are also increasingly important as environmental requirements become more stringent.

Winfield has identified a site at Nouakchott, Mauritania to construct and operate a 300,000 barrel per day oil refinery.

Winfieldhas engaged KBC Process Technology Ltd. of Surrey, UK, under a Services Agreement (dated November 12, 2007), to provide consulting services and technical support to include refinery configuration review; refinery product yields and qualities; marketing plans; technology selection and licensor selection; energy efficiency review; project design basis document review and project schedule strategy review.

KBC has also been engaged to create a bankable feasibility report to within +/-10% final project costs

KBC is the leading independent refining and petrochemical consultancy group, operating worldwide, providing specialized services and software designed to improve the competitive position of our clients in the hydrocarbon processing industry.

KBC has worked closely with over 300 refinery clients in areas including yield and energy efficiency improvement; loss control and value recovery; planning, economics and scheduling; reliability, availability and maintenance; risk analysis; operations and technical support; process design services and human performance improvement.

KBC’s simulation capability and refining expertise enables the generation of optimum capital solutions for new refinery projects of this type, with high return on capital employed, and minimum operational lifecycle costs.

KBC’s approach is to study the entire complex as a whole using our unique combination of extensive refining expertise and world-leading simulation tools. This approach enables inter-unit synergies and trade-offs to be evaluated effectively and in detail ensuring the right investment decision is made. KBC’s TotalSite approach focuses on smart, low-cost investments that would enable project objectives to be met while minimizing capital investment.

Winfield has negotiated a feedstock arrangement with Macron Petroleum Company Limited to provide the Nouakchott, Mauritanian oil refinery with 300,000 barrels per day of Venezuelan crude oil, at a US$9 discount per barrel.

Winfield has outsourced its project finance functions to Devereux Project Finance of London, UK, to act as Winfield’s project finance consultant, to source, negotiate and arrange an acceptable offer of finance for the engineering, construction and operation of the proposed oil refinery.

Devereux Project Finance is a private equity finance consultancy who is located in London and Buckinghamshire. Their partners have been in structured finance since 1987.

Devereux Project Finance’s core competence lies in identifying the real needs of our clients, arranging project senior debt and equity finance; assisting with initial project administration whilst delivering overall client satisfaction by executing our best-in-class services.

Devereux Project Finance offer various consultancy services to assist our clients with the success of their projects such as planning consultants; full project or interim management and risk analysis which is a process that brings together the consequences and frequency of adverse scenarios to estimate the level of risk.

Devereux Project Finance’s funds are sourced globally which includes debt or equity participators.

Devereux Project Finance offers a wide range of advisory services for projects including financial modeling.

Devereux provides optimal financing structures incorporating credit and asset support, interim and permanent capital, and deliver broad investor support for successful financings. Devereux’s experience gives them the ability to develop, analyze and negotiate optimal financing and project support structures.

Enhanced Oil Recovery

In parallel with its refinery initiatives Winfield Resources Limited is pursuing enhanced oil recovery activities (“EOR”). This second business creates additional feed stocks for refining.

Winfield Resources Limited is focused on "Discovered Reserve Opportunities".

Winfield Resources Limited corporate focus is to acquire or jointly develop oil properties on which substantial acquisition, exploration and development expenditures have been made, where there is a significant exploitable resource, and where there is excellent infill drilling potential.

Our mandate is to enter into production sharing agreements with North African Oil Companies and bring technology, systems and oversight to reactivate underperforming or shut-in oil fields that have determinate recoverable reserves.

Winfield Resources Limited has acquired D + S Engineering of Calgary, Alberta, to provide oversight and management of new EOR opportunities. The D&S Group brings over 50 years of combined engineering experience in the Oil and Gas industry and offers professional, technical and management services in Reservoir Engineering, Geological Services, Facility Design and Project Management in the petroleum industry.

Winfield Resources Limited has entered into a joint venture arrangement with Creative Energy Systems (CES) of Edmonton, Alberta, to exploit waste oil deposits for recovery to refinery grade feedstock’s. Winfield is currently exploring opportunities in North Africa for waste oil remediation.

Fuel Ethanol

Winfield is also seeking an entry into the fuel ethanol industry. In 2007 Winfield engaged TDI Technologies of Edmonton,

Alberta to prepare a full feasibility report for the creation of a ethanol – feedlot facility to be located near High Level, Alberta.

The High Level report is based on an earlier TDI Technology design basin Poundmaker, Saskatchewan.

The Poundmaker facility use wheat as its feedstock and extends the food chain by combining a 25,000 cattle feedlot, using

The protein portion of the wheat kernel, with a fuel ethanol capability, using the starch component of the wheat kernel. This

approach distinguishes itself from the corn based ethanol plants that compete directly with corn derived foodstuffs.

The Government of Canada has mandated that by 2010, 5% of all motor vehicle fuel retailed in Canada must contain 5% Ethanol, which would raise national demand to 3 billion litres (bl) a year.

Winfield Resources Limited


During the period of our cease trade Management has continued to promote the business of the Company.

Management has negotiated the site location of the Ras Lanuf Refinery from land held by the National Oil Company of Libya.

The Libyan Foreign Investment Board has directed the Libyan Water, Gas and Electrical Directorates to provision for Winfield’s anticipated needs through the construction phase.

Winfield will refinance in January, 2009, to complete the KBC bankable feasibility report.

Management has reapplied, with revised refinery economics, to the Tunisian Authorities to build, own and operate a new stand alone green fields 300,000 barrel per day oil refinery in the Tax Free Port of Zarzis, Tunisia.

Management has applied to the Angolan Authorities to build, own and operate a new stand alone green fields 300,000 barrel per day oil refinery in the Republic of Angola. Angola is Africa’s fourth largest petroleum producer at1,250,000 barrels per day.

In April 2008, the Company created a 100% wholly owned Barbados subsidiary to manage its international operations, and to operate under the existing income tax treaty signed January 22, 1980 between the Government of Canada and the Government of Barbados.

In parallel with its refinery initiatives Winfield Resources Limited is pursuing enhanced oil recovery activities (“EOR”). This business is focused on "Discovered Reserve Opportunities".

Winfield has acquired D + S Engineering of Calgary, Alberta, to provide oversight and management of new EOR opportunities. D + S Engineering was founded in 1964 and its consultancies include; Reservoir Engineering; Reservoir Simulation; Facility Design and Project Management; Heavy Oil Production Process Design and Evaluation; Geological Services; Material Inspection.

In January 2009, Winfield will react to an invitation from the Arab Gulf Oil Corporation, of Libya, to audit several of their shut-in oil fields and provide recommendations for their re-activation through production sharing agreements between Winfield and AGOCO.

Winfield is now seeking Production Sharing Agreements with Nationalized North African Oil Companies. Winfield, through D + S Engineering, will bring technology, systems and oversight to reactivate underperforming or shut-in oil fields that have determinate recoverable reserves. Winfield will acquire or jointly develop oil properties on which substantial acquisition, exploration and development expenditures have been made, where there is a significant exploitable resource, and where there is excellent infill drilling potential. It is estimated that Libya has over three billion barrels of crude oil recoverable through secondary recovery methods.

Winfield is currently making application to acquire a significant bitumen and heavy oil bearing property in Western Africa. The encompassing bitumen belt, in its entirety, is estimated to contain 40 billion barrels of synthetic crude oil.

Winfield has entered into a joint venture arrangement with Creative Energy Systems (CES) of Edmonton, Alberta, to exploit waste oil deposits for recovery to refinery feedstock’s.The commercial terms agreed upon have Winfield holding an undivided 60% ownership interest to CES’s 40%.CES is to operate the assets in place and be responsible for the day to day management. After debt retirement Winfield or nominee will control the asset. All equipment will be of new manufacture or retrofitted to new standards. Construction will fall under ASME Spec. (American Society Mechanical Engineering); CWB (Canadian Welding Bureau) and ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) Waste oil comprises the bottom 3% by volume of crude oil in storage tanks.

Winfield is actively pursuing the acquisition of an existing fuel ethanol facility in Western Canada. The purchase of which would be through a combination of debt financing and direct equity in the plant.

For the record, Winfield is not subject to any insolvency proceedings and there is no material information concerning the affairs of Winfield which has not been disclosed.

To the Shareholders of Winfield; Thank You for Your Generous Support.

Michael Foley, President

Winfield Resources Limited


The Company is currently cease traded on the TSXV for failure to file its annual financial statements.

Winfield will not countenance any such re-occurrence.Winfield will be appointing a new Auditor, Accountant and Chief Financial Officer presently.

The Audited Annual 2007 Financial Statements are now completed.

Financial Statements for the First Quarter, ending March 31, 2008, are now completed.

Financial Statements for the Second and Third Quarter’s will be received on or before December 23, 2008.

Our return to trading on the NEX-H will resume upon; our filing the December 31, 2007, Audited Annual Financial Statements and the First, Second and Third Quarterly Reports of 2008; And the lifting of the Cease Trade Order by the BCSC and the Alberta Securities Commission.

Winfield should return to trade in early January, 2009.

Winfield will be filing a Listing Statement with the CNSX (formally the “CNQ”) immediately upon the lifting of the Cease Trade Orders.

Winfield has engaged a separate CA firm to review all matters related to audit preparation, audit process and the unification of onshore and offshore accounting systems.

Management is implementing all measures to failsafe against any future late filings.

For the record, Winfield is not subject to any insolvency proceedings and there is no material information concerning the affairs of Winfield which has not been disclosed.

Thank you for your patience.

Michael Foley, President

Last changed at 21-Jul-2009 03:13PM by royrogers

Management & Directors

  • Officers


    President, CEO, Director

    Mr. Foley has been involved in the management and financing of publicly traded companies since 1987.

    Mr. Foley is responsible for negotiating the acquisition and financing of the Corporation's land positions.

    Mr. Foley was the founding Director of Winfield Resources Limited.


    Mr. Wilson has had 40 years of experience in service company operations and management which began with Schlumberger Canada in 1959. Working initially as a field engineer, he progressed through field and head office assignments, both domestically and internationally, rising to Division Manager based in Houston, Texas. Mr. Wilson subsequently held senior management positions in GeoVann and Core Laboratories before joining Western Atlas Wireline International in 1988 as Senior Vice-President - Europe, Middle East, Africa and the Far East based in London, England. Returning to Canada in 1992, he founded and was principal of Akro Business Consulting Ltd., a private consulting company. In 1995, Mr. Wilson became President of Axyn Petroleum Corporation, a private oil and gas company, and later in 1996, also President, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Winstar Resources Ltd., a public company listed on CDNX. Axyn Petroleum was merged into Drilcorp Energy Ltd. in 2000. Mr Wilson has been Vice President, CFO and Director of Drilcorp, a public company listed on the CDNX, since 1997. Mr. Wilson holds a BASc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of British Columbia and is a member of SPE.


    Dr. Tangen has previously worked in the Brokerage industry, nine years in total, in both retail accounts and corporate venture finance.

    Before joining Winfield Resources Limited, Dr. Tangen was the Director of Corporate Communications and Investor Relations for StarChoice Television Inc. StarChoice Television was subsequently bought out by Shaw Communications Inc.

    Dr. Tangen graduated with a B.Sc. degree in Biochemistry in 1964, and received his D.D.S. from the University of Alberta in 1968. He currently resides in Vancouver, B.C


    Mr. Mark Parfitt joined Winfield as a director in 2007 assuming responsibility for business development and project finance. His experience in the oil and gas sector exceeds 15 years working initially as researcher before moving into the City of London to work as an equities analyst.

    Mark holds a BSc. in Geology with Chemistry and an MSc in petroleum geochemistry. He is a Fellow of the Geological Society of London, an Associate Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a member of the American Association of Petroleum geologists

Broker Fact Sheet

  • WWF.H Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
    Fact sheet details
Winfield Resources
80 million FD July 2009
Energy & Environment
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