Wildcat Exploration Ltd

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History of the mine

AU 4
POUNDMAKER (Luleo, Selkirk)
1985 - Calverly Prospecting Ltd.
506 Morris Avenue
Selkirk, Manitoba
51° 05.2’
95° 45.3’
Uncertainty (m)
100 m
UTM Zone
L.S./Quarter Section
13 EPM
The gold-quartz vein of this deposit lies along one of several extensive shear zones in quartz diorite. The shear strikes 315°/85°NE. The deformation of mafic and ultramafic remnants within the quartz diorite pluton has produced chlorite schist. The countryrock is weakly foliated parallel to the shear. In the vicinity of the shaft the vein is approximately 6.1 m wide and may be traced intermittently for about 92 m.
The vein material consists of white translucent and fractured quartz, commonly banded with chlorite and granulated pyrite. Fuchsite and coarse ankerite are of sparse but widespread occurrence in the vein. The wallrocks are sheared and exhibit well-developed slickensides on cleavage planes which plunge on the average about 025°/NE (Stephenson, 1972).
There has been movement along the vein, as evidenced by smaller veins within the quartz (Manitoba Mines Branch c). Sulphides were formed contemporaneously with the quartz veins, though some differentiation occurred. There were no high temperature minerals found in or directly around the mine. In 1918 ore-grade mineralization was found in the hangingwall and footwall.
The Poundmaker is located north of the Wanipigow River, about 4.1 km northwest of Little Beaver Lake and 4 km northeast of Provincial Road No. 304. Luleo No. 2 (23856) was staked in 1915 by Ernest Jackson. The Bellevue Mining Company, Limited optioned the property, probably in 1917. A stamp mill was erected and a two-compartment shaft sunk to a depth of 26 m. The shaft was being deepened when financial problems stopped work in 1919.
In 1921 the property was assigned to Selkirk Gold Mining Company Incorporated and leased as Lease 107. Its subsidiary, American Development Company Ltd. replaced the mill, deepened the shaft, and did the following development work:

Shaft level (metres) Drifting (metres) Crosscutting (metres)
38 146 46 shaft
69 192 21 shaft
99 220 46 shaft
130 6 12 shaft
160 110 55 winze

A winze connected the 1st and 2nd levels. Davies (1949) reported gold values averaged $11/tonne on ore milled from the 2 upper levels in 1923. Ore at the 99 m level averaged $2.20/tonne, and $9.32/tonne at the 160 m level. An engineer's report in 1925 suggested the mine be shut down because the ore was not economically recoverable (Manitoba Mines Branch c).
The mine was dewatered in 1928, and eight diamond drill holes totalling 382 m explored the shear zone below a drift on the 160 m level. Surface drilling included a hole in which a 7.6 m section was 30% copper and zinc sulphides. Selkirk (Canadian) Mines, Limited acquired the assets of Selkirk Gold Mining Company Incorporated. Radiore (EM) surveys were conducted in 1927 and 1928. By October 31st, 1928, 49 holes totalling 4790 m had been drilled on the property. Assays of copper, gold, silver, and zinc ranged from $5.41 to $55.30, as reported by J.P. Kerby (Manitoba Mines Branch c). Wright (1932) stated that the average grade of the sulphide-bearing schist across mineable widths was low. Work was discontinued.
The claim was then acquired by Poundmaker Gold Mines, Limited. Troubles with financing and a possible conflict of interest plagued Poundmaker from its inception in 1934 until its charter was cancelled in 1942. Extensive development was planned on the old mine area, as well surface work was done, but the predicted $1\000\000 of ore reserves was never produced, although 305 m of new veins were uncovered. Company reports and newspaper clippings mention $300\000 to $450\000 worth of ore was "in sight." Lack of financing prevented the company from undertaking underground work for several years. Grab samples of up to 240 g/tonne (7 oz/ton) gold were reported in the Northern Miner (June 30, 1938). Assays ranged from 0.69 g/tonne (0.02 oz/ton) to 292.00 g/tonne (8.51 oz/ton) gold from channel and diamond drill samples. Poundmaker Gold Mines, Limited tore down the Selkirk mill and then constructed a hydro-electric mill capable of handling 90 tonnes per day by 1938.
The ore zone was surveyed as 6.1 to 18.3 m wide and 1220 m in length. Gold assay values were obtained 1083 m west of the main workings (Manitoba Mines Branch c).
Jacknife Gold Mines, Limited, later Jacobus Mining Corporation Limited, bought half interest in the Poundmaker Gold Mines, Limited property. They diamond drilled in the old shaft to a depth of 219 m. Assays from the drilling reached a maximum of $24.69/tonne, though most were much lower. Surface work was also conducted. The average grade of the ore was about 34.29 g/tonne gold. The property was cancelled on December 12, 1942. It was restaked 17 days later by H. Barry and assigned twice before the claims were cancelled in 1953. Jacknife Gold Mines, Limited continued working on the property during this time. Following is a history of claims staked over the property from 1956 to 1964:

Year Claim Name Claim Number Staker
1956 Dorbea No. 3 W25642 P.E. Beament
- assigned to G.B. Reynolds in 1958.
- cancelled in 1959.
1960 Bond No. 1 W33441 A. Caverley
- assigned to D. Lieherman in 1960.
- assigned to Kirkse Hold Ltd. in 1961.
- cancelled in 1962.
1963 Myrtle No. 9 W36394 E. Henrikson
-cancelled in 1964

John Donner staked CB 857 over the property in 1972. Ownership of the claim was transferred to George Charles Batemen and then to Longview Mines Ltd. in 1973. There is no record of work being carried out on the property during this time, and the claims lapsed in 1975.
John Calverly staked W 45949 over the deposit in 1977. Fernie Calverly acquired the property in February 1980 and then transferred ownership to Calverly Prospecting Limited. In February 1980 Nor East Enterprises was contracted to transport previously mined surface material from the claim to Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Ltd. (HBMS) in Flin Flon for smelting. Approximately 1400 tonnes were shipped to the HBMS smelter. In 1981 and 1982 F. Gentile carried out an evaluation of the property. Reco Gold Mining Limited then optioned (unofficial) the property in 1984 and has installed an impact crusher on the property.
Year kg (oz) Gold
1923 5.72 (183.83)
1924 6.72 (216.00)
TOTAL 12.43 (399.83)

However, Robinson (1935, p. 57) gives 12.44 kg (45 oz) as production figure for 1924.
Amukun, S.E., 1969: Petrology of the Gold-Bearing Vein Rocks from Bissett Area, SE Manitoba; University of Manitoba, Unpublished M.Sc. thesis.
Cole, G.E., 1927: The Development in Gold Mining in Canada; Second (Triennial) Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress, Winnipeg, p. 63-64.
Davies, J.F., 1950: Geology of the Wanipigow River Area, Manitoba; Manitoba Mines Branch, Publication 49-3, p. 12, 13.
1953: Geology and Gold Deposits of the Southern Rice Lake Area; Manitoba Mines Branch, Publication 52-1.
Davies, J.F., 1963: Geology and Gold Deposits of the Rice Lake-Wanipigow River Area, Manitoba; University of Toronto, Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis.
Davies, J.F.; Bannatyne, B.B.; Barry, G.S.; and McCabe, H.R., 1962: Geology and Mineral Resources of Manitoba; Manitoba Mines Branch.
De Lury, J.S., 1920: Mineral Prospects in SE Manitoba, Rice Lake, Maskwa River, and Boundary Districts; Manitoba Government Bulletin, p. 33.
1927: The Mineral Resources of Southeastern Manitoba; Rice Lake District, Oiseau River District, Boundary District, Industrial Development Board, Manitoba.
Ermanovics, I.F., 1970: Precambrian Geology of Hecla-Carroll Lake Map-Area, Manitoba-Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 69-42.
Manitoba Mines Branch:
a. Annual Report on Mines and Minerals; 6th-p. 78: 7th-p. 70; 11th-p. 98-100; 20th-p. 76.
b. Corporation Files; The Bellevue Mining Company Limited, Poundmaker Gold Mines Limited, Selkirk (Canadian) Mines, Limited, Selkirk Gold Mining Company Limited.
c. Mining Engineering Files, Poundmaker Gold Mines.
Marr, J., 1970: Petrology of the Northern Granitic Rocks Wanipigow River; University of Manitoba, Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis.
McRitchie, W.D., and Weber, W. (Editors), 1971: Geology and Geophysics of the Rice Lake Region, Southeastern Manitoba (Project Pioneer); Manitoba Mines Branch, Publication 71-1.
Mineral Development Sector, Ottawa: Corporation Files; The Bellevue Mining Company, Limited, Poundmaker Gold Mines Limited, Selkirk (Canadian) Mines Limited, Selkirk Gold Mining Company Incorporated.
Robinson, A.H.A., 1935: Gold in Canada 1935; Mines Branch, Ottawa, Publication 769.
Stephenson, J.F., 1972: Gold Deposits of the Rice Lake-Beresford Lake Area, Southeastern Manitoba; University of Manitoba, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis.
Stockwell, C.H., 1938: Rice Lake-Gold Lake Area, Southeastern Manitoba; Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 210.
Stockwell, C.H., 1942: Rice Lake; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 42-15.
Wallace, R.C., 1925,1927: The Mineral Resources of Manitoba; Industrial Development Board, Manitoba.
Wright, J.F., 1923: Rice Lake Map-Area, Southeastern Manitoba; Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report 1922, Part C, p. 45.
Wright, J.F., 1924: Geology and Mineral Prospects of the Northern Part of Beresford Lake Map-Area, SE Manitoba; Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report, 1923, Part B, p. 86.
Wright, J.F., 1932: Geology and Mineral Resources of a Part of Southeastern Manitoba; Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 169.
Wright, J.F., 1940: Gold Mines and Prospects in Rice Lake-Beresford Lake Area, Manitoba; Transcripts Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, p. 613-626.
Map 52 M/4, Wanipigow, (Topographic), Scale 1:50\000, Surveys & Mapping Branch, Ottawa.
Map 71-1/4, Geology of the Wanipigow River-Manigotagan River Region, (Geology), Scale 1:63\360 - Accompanying McRitchie and Weber (1971), Manitoba Mines Branch.
Map 48-2, Wanipigow Lake Area, (Geology), Scale 1:31\680 - Accompanying report by Davies (1949), Manitoba Mines Branch.
Map 1992, Preliminary map of a part of Rice Lake Mining District Southeast Manitoba, (Geology), Scale 1:63\360 - Accompanying report by Wright (1922), Geological Survey of Canada.
Map 42-15, Rice Lake, (Geology), Scale 1:63\360 - Accompanying report by Stockwell (1942), Geological Survey of Canada.
Map 11-1969, Hecla-Carroll Lake, (Geology), Scale 1:250\000 – Accompanying report by Ermanovics (1970), Geological Survey of Canada.
Map 4073 G, Wanipigow, (Aeromagnetic), Scale 1:63\360, Manitoba Mines Branch & Geological Survey of Canada.
Claim Map Series 52 M/4SE, Scale 1:31\680, circa 1973, Mining Recording, Manitoba Mines Branch.
Although the shaft and mill were located on Luleo No. 2, the shaft vein was traced through Luleo No. 2, 3, 41 and Rook Fraction. Another vein extends through Lulio No. 6, Luleo Fr., and Lost Fraction. J.P. Kerby (Manitoba Mines Branch b) reported an assay of 49.38% zinc from an outcrop on the east side of Beaver Lake. A diamond drill hole by Selkirk Canadian 145 m southeast of that outcrop cored 0.91 m of the same material.
DeLury (1920, p. 34) briefly mentions Pine Ridge M.C. and Pine Ridge No. 2, north of the Luleo Group.
Compiled/Revised by:
03-73 06-74 08-85
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