Wildcat Exploration Ltd

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Check out the remarks at the bottom regarding Derry Gold Mines and the 6mtr widths of veins.

1985 - Augusta Gold Mines Ltd.
Box 57
Winnipeg, MB R2C 2Z3
Phone: 257-3365
51° 02’40”
95° 29’40”
Uncertainty (m)
80 m
UTM Zone
L.S./Quarter Section
15 EPM
The deposit is located within several shear zones which strike northwest through an "L" shaped intrusion of Archean dioritic to gabbroic country rock. Stephenson (1972) described the gabbro as slightly foliated with some mineral alteration. The diorite, found nearer the mine is medium-grained. Hand samples appeared to be weakly altered but thin sections showed them to be highly altered (Ibid.).
Granitic masses intrude the diorite and underlie about half the property. The contact strikes northwest and dips steeply to the southwest. The granitic rocks are in turn intruded by igneous dykes of various types. These granites separate Veins 1 and 3. Wallrock is chlorite schist.
Mineralizaton is contained in parallel quartz veins in the shear. The veins are narrow, never over 0.9 m in wide, irregular, and not always of ore grade. The No. 1 vein, where the shaft was sunk, was exposed for 61 m on the surface, but died out underground. Gold-bearing veins were found up to 183 m from the shaft. Some sulphides and carbonates were found in the veins. Scheelite was noted by Eakins (1949) at one place in Vein No. 1.
Theyer (1983) interpreted the host rocks as detrital sedimentary rocks that were subjected to varying degrees of megmatization and coccmitant recrystallization. It was proposed that the mineralization at the Jeep Mine was formed by migration of gold from the detrital sedimentary rocks followed by deposition with quartz in nearby fractures.
The deposit is located about 6.4 km west of Wallace Lake. Several kilometres of gravel road connect Bissett and Wallace Lake.
The early claim history of the property was as follows:

Year Claim Name Claim Number Staker
1934 Slip No. 11 W 4230 J.F. Barrieau
- cancelled in 1939.
1942 Amigo No. 3 W 10736 Robert Fitzsimons
- cancelled in 1945.
1946 Rice Gold No. 2 W 14476 W.L. Campbell
- assigned to R.J.R. Schaffer in 1946.
Rice Gold Prospecting Syndicate explored the property in 1946.
- assigned to Jeep Gold Mine Limited

San Antonio Gold Mines Limited formed Jeep Gold Mines Limited to develop the 12 Rice Gold claims. Diamond drilling was carried out on three veins.
A three-compartment shaft was started in 1947. Surface and underground diamond drilling, crosscutting and drifting were carried out for several years. An unsorted 291 tonnes of ore yielded 5.6 kg (182 oz.) of gold. The milling, throughout the mine's history, was done at the San Antonio plant. The highest assay for 1947, was 64.07g. (2.06 oz.) over a width of 0.27m and 0.25 m long. The lowest assay that year was 26.50 g/tonne (0.85 oz/ton) over a width of 0.31 m and a length of 0.71 m (Manitoba Mines Branch c).
Two test runs of ore were milled in 1948. A total of 1099 tonnes of ore produced an average of 27.29 g/tonne (0.80 oz/ton) of gold. An assay of 98.4 g/tonne (2.87 oz/ton) gold across 0.15 m was reported 168 m below the surface. Recovery of the ore averaged 30.86 g/tonne (0.9 oz/ton), with a reserve of 4990 tonnes in two veins. By June 65.16 kg (2095 oz.) of gold had been recovered. The veins were proving variable in width, so an attempt was made to stabilize the ore grade at 34.29 g/tonne (1 oz/ton). It was determined that No. 1 vein did not continue with depth. The No. 3 vein became the primary source of ore. No. 7 vein was discovered about 183 m from the shaft (Ibid.). A 21-year lease, M-2037, was taken out in 1948.
In 1949 the shaft was lowered to 180 m. Another two levels were added at 137 and 175 m bringing the total to four levels. The other levels were at 38 and 61 m. The mine produced about 23 tonnes of ore a day. Reserves from the 2 main veins totalled 3175 tonnes. Mining was halted in 1950, though further development work was continued for a short time. The principal ore vein did not continue with depth. The company felt Vein Nos. 3 and 7 could not support mining operations (Manitoba Mines Branch c, Jeep Gold Mine Limited, Company Report, 1950). Some exploration work was done in 1958 and 1959.
The property was kept in good standing. In 1969 Transtide Industries Limited bought The Jeep Gold Mine Limited. Later in 1969 the lease was renewed for another 21 years. Geophysical surveys were undertaken in 1973 when the price of gold rose to $3.22/g ($100/oz). According to a newspaper clipping, Transtide expected to do surface mining on the property (Winnipeg Free Press, May 29, 1973).
In 1975 Rice Gold No. 2 was converted from a lease back to claim W 14476. From June to September 1973 Transtide drilled four holes totalling 546 m. The holes were collared east of the mine shaft and parallel to the main shear zone. Details of the results are not available. The claim was cancelled in 1976.
In May 1977 N. Tschunsky staked CB 8043 over the deposit and in 1980 the property was assigned to Augusta Gold Mines Limited, a subsidiary of Gold Lake Mines Inc. A feasibility study was completed in 1981, on a mill designed for 180 tonnes per day (Northern Miner Nov. 12, 1981). From July 1981 to August 1982 prospecting, magnetometor and EM surveys were completed. Gold Lake Mines 1982-83 annual report indicated intent to design a drilling program to verify the continuity of more shallow mineralized structures to a depth of 450 m.
The Jeep Gold Mine Limited was in production from February 26, 1948 to December 21, 1950.
Following are the production figures for production from February 26 to December 31, 1948:

Tonnes treated 7426 tonnes
Average per day 24.0 tonnes
Mill Head 32.4g/tonne (0.945 oz/ton)
Mill Tail 0.55g/tonne (0.016 oz/ton)
Mill Recovery 31.85g/tonne (0.929 oz/ton)
Total Recovery 236.61 kg (7607.42 oz.)
Efficiency 98.5%
Average cost per tonne $18.09
Average Profit per tonne $12.21
Average cost per gram $0.69/gram ($21.46/oz.)
Average profit per gram $0.44/gram ($13.54/oz.)

The figures below are given on page 69 of the 22nd Annual Report on Mines and Minerals, Manitoba Mines Branch:

1949 To Date
Tonnes treated 5707 13 132
Average tonnes/day 15.4 19
Average Mill Head23.3g/tonne (0.68oz/ton) 28.44g/tonne (0.83oz/ton)
Average Mill Tail 0.33g/tonne (0.0095oz/ton) 0.44g/tonne (0.013oz/ton)
Average Mill Recovery 22.97g/tonne (0.67oz/ton) 28.00g/tonne (0.817g/ton)
Total Recovery 131.14kg (4216.3oz) 367.73kg (11823oz)

From the 23rd Annual Report on Mines and Minerals, p.72:
The statistics listed below show operating profit per unit for the year and the operating profit since production began on February 26, 1948, and operating costs and operating profit (mine only) for 1950, and from start of production Feb. 26, 1948 to Dec. 31, 1950.

1950 Feb. 26, 48 to Dec. 31,50
Tonnes Milled 2798 15\930
Total Mill Head kg 57.16kg (1837.71oz) 430.71kg (13\847oz)
Total Tailings Loss 0.99kg (31.97oz) 6.79kg (218.32oz)
Net K.G. gold recovered 56.16 kg (1805.74oz. 423.92 kg (13 629.46?)
Recovery g/tonne 20.06g/tonne (0.585oz/ton) 26.61g/tonne (0.78oz/ton)
Average cost/tonne $19.11 $20.22
Average operating
profit/tonne $1.14 $4.81
Average cost/gram $1.16 ($35.99/oz) $26.06
Average Operating
profit/gram $0.07/gram ($2.16/oz.) $6.20

Produced - Feb. 28, 1948 to Dec. 31, 1950 15 930 423.92(13 629.46)
Production from development headings 389 8.08 (259.9)
prior to February 28, 1948, credited
to preproduction expense

TOTALS 16 319 432 (13 889.36)
The average grade of ore from 1948 to 1950 was 26.95g/tonne (0.786 oz/ton).
Amukun, S.E, 1969: Petrology of the Gold-Bearing Vein Rocks from Bissett Area, Southeast Manitoba; University of Manitoba, Unpublished. M.Sc. Thesis.
Bailes, A., 1969: The Geology and Geochemistry of Pilot-Smugglet Shear Zone, Rice Lake Area, Manitoba; University of Manitoba, Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis.
Davies, J.F., 1962: Bannatyne, B.B.; Barry, G.S.; and McCabe, H.R.; Geology and Mineral Resources of Manitoba; Manitoba Mines Branch.
DeLury, J.S., 1920: Mineral Prospects in Southeastern Manitoba, Rice Lake, Maskwa River, and Boundary Districts; Manitoba Government Bulletin.
1927: The Mineral Resources of Southeastern Manitoba, Rice Lake District, Oiseau River District, Boundary District; Industrial Development Board, Manitoba.
Eakins, P.R., 1949: Geology of the Jeep Mine, Rice Lake Area, Southeastern Manitoba; McGill University, Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis.
Ermanovics, I.F., 1970: Precambrian Geology of Hecla-Carroll Lake Map Area, Manitoba-Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 69-42.
Financial Post Survey of Mines: p.28, 1950; p. 123, 1951.
Manitoba Mines Branch:
a. A Guide for Prospector's in Manitoba, 1952, p.74.
b. Annual Reports on Mines and Minerals; 19th-p. 69; 20th-p. 77; 21st-p. 69; 22nd-p. 68-69; 23rd-p. 71-72.
c. Corporation Files; Derry Gold Mines Limited, Jeep Gold Mines Limited, San Antonio Gold Mines Limited.
d. Gold Exploration in Manitoba Sparked by finds at Hemlo; Northern Miner; October 18, 1984; p. B24-25.
e. Mining Engineering Files; Jeep Gold Mines Limited.
f. Non-confidential Assessment Files, File No. 91561
Marr, J., 1970: Petrology of the Northern Granitic Rocks Wanipigow River; University of Manitoba, Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis.
McRitchie, W.D., and Weber, W. (Editors), 1971: Geology and Geophysics of the Rice Lake Region Southeastern Manitoba (Project Pioneer); Manitoba Mines Branch, Published 71-1.
Mineral Policy Sector: Corporation Files; Gold Lake Mines Inc.
Russell, G.A., 1948: Geology of the Wallace Lake Area, Manitoba; Manitoba Mines Branch, Preliminary Report 47-1. Stephenson, J.F.
Russell, G.A., 1972: Gold Deposits of the Rice Lake-Beresford Lake Area, Southeastern Manitoba; University of Manitoba, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis.
Stockwell, C.H., 1945: Beresford Lake (Marginal Notes), Geological Survey of Canada.
Stockwell, C.H., and Lord, C.S., 1939: Halfway Lake-Beresford Lake Area, Manitoba; Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 219.
Theyer, P., 1983: GS-17 Geology of Gold Environments in the Bissett/Wallace Lake Portion of the Rice Lake Greenstone Belt; in Department of Energy and Mines Report on Field Activities 1983, p.101-107.
Derry Gold Mines Limited did work on property surrounding and perhaps including the Amigo claims. They prospected veins which were up to 6.1 m wide (Manitoba Mines Branch c, Derry Gold Mines Limited). This contrasts with the narrow veins of the Jeep Mine.
Diamond drilling, trenching, and pitting was done between 1935 and 1940. Assays were taken. Veins were traced for up to 1373 m. Activity centered on the Presto claims (W 7582-85, 7634-35). It is not certain whether any of these claims became Rice Gold No. 2. Molybdenum is reported from the Presto group (Manitoba Mines Branch c, San Antonio Gold Mines Limited).
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