Silver Falcon Mining

Welcome to the Silver Falcon Mining HUB on AGORACOM (Edit this Message from the "Fast Facts" Section)
in response to BOUTS's message

Look diamond, no one gets direct or clean info from the company....nor should they! Much of the grapevine stuff comes from connecting dots based on bits of info from news releases, BOD meetings, and PQ and RK contact. Be glad that there are a few posters here who are at least digging on your behalf.

After the recent GHDC news, one can clearly deduct that the funding deal encompasses GHDC as well. This would necessarily complicate the time table.

While the share price is disgusting and I have never seen more sub penny stocks die than thrive, I have never seen a stock approaching a billion shares outstanding have the assets that SFMI energing full blown mill and world class mineral deposits.

So this one is difficult to assess. The big boys WILL make a play for his asset at some point. This I know. Will there be enough left of our share to benefit? Well, stay tuned.

As for disinformation, yes, scams often come with disinformation campains, but the above asset and the SFMI insiders have a large financial stakes, and that is not seen with scams.

I dont know who BOUTS gets his indications from, but he seems to be on top of potential funding leads, and has been proven correct with the outperformance of GHDC.

Like you, I am truely disgusted with the slow death of my patience and my investment, but SFMI itself has publically stated that funding is being negotiated, so we have to somehow deal with the time discomfort...there is little other choice.

I have a new career that begins later this month. What we hear from SFMI will determine the extent of that endeavor. Others here have written SFMI off mentally and are already looking at capital loss tax advantages.

Any deal would necessitate the price rising, even if it is for a reverse split down the line. PQ ate a lot of our "cheese" [by ruining much of our leverage with wrong turns and share dilution] and could well himself now be having to scamp around a trap as the company has little operating cash. You can bet that any dorey sales goes to bare bones operation expenses.

All in all it is an ugly duckling, but like all ducks, they have the ability to "float" for endless periods of time. It benefits no one to shoot that creature, so we justifiably express our displeasure and watch.......pic

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