Silver Falcon Mining

Welcome to the Silver Falcon Mining HUB on AGORACOM (Edit this Message from the "Fast Facts" Section)

Of the 5000 SFMI shareholders, there may be only a few hundred who share and see the fundamental potential as we do. Many others see basically continued price failure...and in a manner that looks perpetual.

When SFMI finally eats through all this continuous selling, some will sell any rally that gets them close to even. Others will get greed fever and actually buy more.

While markets and stocks can only change for the long term when sentiment is at its lowest, floor level sentiment with SFMI has persisted for years. Try climbing a rock with hosed water pressure pelting you from above.

These dumps do unfortunately have the appearance and feel to many as perpetual, and after months and months of failed starts, here we are yet again under $.02 as another entity [there have supposedly been 5-6 different dumpers for different reasons] is selling his shares for near nothing....and there is really no explanation that gives solice to many of us.

Telling each other that the entire PM share complex has been bad [or] that SFMI's fundamentals will assert is having less and less meaning. WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING! What idiot [or genious] dumps 5 million shares at the cusp of profitibility?

One could say that PQ "gave" away too many shares for whatever back when he thought the tailings project was the way to go, but the question remains. Why are there continual dumps by various entities? Can one really explain away them all?

Some here have question why i seem alternatively up and down on this company. The reason is simple if you are looking and listening. The part of me that sees/knows the potential here with these 2 stocks is being questiond by the part of me that values peace of mind over money. And if much more time passes I will surely choose the latter. Every post I make is a function of that questioning.

Gold and silver and PM shares are bottoming here for a longer term move up initially into 2015-2016. But SFMI could have risen 10 fold and stayed up years ago had the right decisions been made. Now the right decisons are being made, but time and money via share dilution are now an unintended factor.

So, I'm both optimistic and laden with that "perpetual" feel element. The reason for this post is not self serving...not whining...not negative....not surrender...but as a symbol of THE bottom of this low pricing and sentiment cycle! We will know within 3 months what we have here, and it could be considerable if sentiment and PM stocks are turning up collectively......pic

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