Silver Falcon Mining

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in response to bluesideup's message

Look, it was all too damn confusing to project 4 years ago who would wind up with what, so I decided on 60% SFMI and 40% GHDC. It took many trades to get 3.5 million GHDC without running up the price, but what's a $grand or so in commissions with the kind of leverage in these stocks.

I wont speculate on which might come out the cleaner and greener over the next several years, SFMI or GHDC, but I am prepared for either one, and gold and silver ARE going to explode and take the miners along.

Tonight silver busted past $30 to $30.20 and is now testing $30 as support. If this holds we could see $32 by week's end.

Gold has hit $662 thus far tonight and $1700 by Friday would be just fine and dandy.

This writer has spent the last half of his 70 years studying monetary history, market cycles, and government fiat paper games. Man collectively just doesnt live long enough to learn from experience the lessons of gov't debasement of currency. The Romans debased the amount of precious metals in coins. Interest rates were over 100% at one point in the early 1900s. Ever hear of "greenbacks" or "Weiner Republic". Modern govt's simply create fiat paper to screw the sheople via inflation.

And it was in 1992 that Rubin and Greenspan and the boyz turned up the dial to suppress gold and silver and jack with interest rates . Well, now they are out of options and must hold interest rates near zero, and when bonds collapse [interest rates rise of necessity to attract money], you will see shitt hit the fan from the asses of everyone without HARD ASSETS. And where do you think money fleeing from T-Bonds will go? Yeah baby! HARD ASSETS in the ground or in the attic.

I can tell you with 100% certainty that ALL currencies are floating and circling in a flushing toilet....US Dollar will be the last currency turd [of those in the dollar index] to swirl onto the porcelin hole, but flush it will, and gold will explode in ALL currencies.

And listen to the bottom line: Most of you will NOT get richer in living standard terms. You will become wealthy moreso in the RELATIVE sense as 95% of those holding paper assets will fall below you!.Try telling that to your rich aunt holding gov't paper soon to become toilet paper....pic

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