Silver Falcon Mining

Welcome to the Silver Falcon Mining HUB on AGORACOM (Edit this Message from the "Fast Facts" Section)
in response to Garick's message

ATTENTION Big Pic 4 Ever: I join with Garick and the others, I would like to see you return and keep on posting. You have deep knowledge in the precious metals area and far more years of experience in this sector than most of us. We would benefit and even you will benefit indirectly by encouraging the longs to continue holding and perhaps persuading the fence sitters and disgusted to hang in and thus not sell and depress the stock price further.

I don't think we give Pierre or Rick Kaiser enough credit for their smarts and tenacity. We accept the latest PR at face value , not looking thru it to the reasons behind it. Pierre is a tough , shrewd ,gutsy ,guy who has taken SFMI from nothing to immanent impending success . We all complained with the sparse , confusing press releases, and assays, and later learned he was busy buying up many additional claims without the publicity and attention that good , full PRs, would have raised the prices of those claims. We assume that they don't know what they are doing because currently we don't have a big shot acclaimed Geologist on the Board of Directors , but all along Pierre and Rick have had access to Geologists, CPAs, Lawyers, experienced stock brokers etc either as consultants or on salary. We assume because his son is mill director without experience and his wife is on the Board ,which is frowned upon as nepotism, he isn't aware this might hurt him with a Toronto listing, and big money prospective investors.We assume that they can't write a clear , complete ,PR , without mistakes that they are incompetant , yet they now have most all the important claims, the mill is up and running , the 43-101 is on the way, permits to dig in Sinker Tunnel are pending,assets have increased , liabilities have decreased and share dilution is under control.Further, Allen Simon and others will tour the mine soon. Also Centurion is standing by with 7 million and they aren't dummies.

I say they are smart & well advised and proceeding dilligently, methodically towards the Goal, but they are doing it their way for good and sound reasons we don't understand.Have faith and patience and soldier on. LINDY

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Silver Falcon Mining
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