Silver Falcon Mining

Welcome to the Silver Falcon Mining HUB on AGORACOM (Edit this Message from the "Fast Facts" Section)

I thought I had posted this here earlier but must have I always post my more serious thought shere rather than "over there"...for what its worth.

"Well, here we sit guessing about the plans of Pierre et al. The stock is trading low volume and very easy to manipulate by anyone with motive. Meanwhile the G&S stocks are taking off as the next parabolic leg up for gold and silver is well under way. Every day the resources that SFMI/GHDC hold are increasing exponentially when one considers the leverage of 10 and 20 to 1 in the JPMs.

All the hints coming out about SFMI/GHDC…in this direction and that… can be interpreted many ways. However, we are either being head faked into thinking that there will be no substantial news until maybe 90 days after the year end…which would be April… or a buyout of SFMI at bargain prices is under negotiation and the news will hit any time over the next few months.

Obviously, there is much going on at the site with increased grades, production, recovery efficiency, etc. …with concentrate being accumulated at and increasing volume. Then there all the other activities in the Sinker with much more empirical geological and engineering data underpinning all the historical reports…none of which can be officially approved until actual confirmation. The quit claim has cemented the resource deposits for SFMI throughout the mountain. GHDC is busy buying up more surface claims. Ownership Form 3s have just been completed. The Chinese (big money) factor lurks in the background. ….on, and on.

So, if the Orso ore is now being processed, the accumulating value of the concentrate must be quite impressive…which means that the ability to borrow against this collateral is serious and gaining momentum. Obviously information being gathered by outside interests qualifying the value of said resources is ongoing. I’m sue there have been several tire kickers nosing around. Kinross knows what real value is there. So, there are many out there who know the real potential and value of the riches on and in the ground. It is no secret then, that there are many that are privy to information that could be very advantageous to them….especially at these prices.

So, why is all the ongoing activity being kept under the surface? Why isn’t SFMI giving the shareholders updates on for instance, the rate and volume of accumulated concentrates?...never mind the grades etc. Well, we all know this would/should goose the stock…especially in light of the massive momentum coming into the PM sector… and that is not wanted for some reason/s.

So, we have to assume, and of course we have before, that there are those being placed in the stock at artificially low prices here. Or, that it is beneficial to keep the stock low (no substantial news) at this time because of positioning reasons re potential mergers, buy outs, incentives…. whatever. The management has no worries about ongoing cash flow or the need to go to the bank for financing…a huge bonus, which in itself makes the stock that much more of a contender.

How long will PQ and team keep very valuable information from the shareholders/markets? Why? Will SFMI only release the details on the first 500 lbs of initial low grade (3/4 to 1 oz) concentrate to appease/tease the shareholders in a few weeks…or will they surprise and give an update to say, the end of October. Or, will they hold back as much as possible until next year sometime? Whatever the course of action…it is totally in the hands of management to decide where they want the share price to be….within reason. It almost appears as though there are some astute investors that are prepared to wait until next year and not worry about it knowing full well what immense value they old in SFMI/GHDC.

How long will they shake the tree? Do they understand the tremendous gamble they are taking, given the market and potential US Gov. actions that could sideswipe them when least expected…before all their plans and objectives are reached? I wonder if they ever even contemplate such black swan possibilities for them? I do and it makes me anxious.

Time may not be the luxury they think it is. China is becoming the next evil empire for the US. National interests are starting to take precedent over globalization….most especially in the PMs, rare earths and soft commodities.

These are very nervous times now and they will grow even more so. Gambling with time is now the biggest gamble of all.

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