Silver Falcon Mining

Welcome to the Silver Falcon Mining HUB on AGORACOM (Edit this Message from the "Fast Facts" Section)
in response to spiny's message

The value of a company that is publicly traded is normally determined by the net profit divided by the nuber of shares outstanding. Silver Falcon is ready to produce a fair quantity of Gold and Silver. What I am upset about is not that I have been strung along for almost 3 years, by mistakes and mistatements on the part of IR. I want to make money on this as much as the rest of you.

I fear that by the time Pierre takes his 15% off the top,I believe smelter fee is passed through to a company whollly owned by Pierre, (from the 10K) and millions are distibuted to those who are in the inner circle, and they finish diluting the shares, and pay salaries and share buyback, the math I am using says that profits could be diluted to the point that to reach $3 per, which would have been an easy target even 1 year ago the net would have to be .22-.25 per share. This is equal to $65-75M net per year. That means a gross profit of $100M/year.

How many JPMs are showing that kind of number? God I hope they do it. I'm not bashing Silver Falcon, honestly guys, yellow metal makes people act strange. Eyes wide open. The shareholders objective is to "encourage" management to maximize the net profit, which will maximize the value that the shares will gravitate to. Which is to say our return on our investment in the company. We may not be working hard digging dirt out of the ground, but I think most of us work very hard to earn the money we invest, and want the compny to succeed and to treat the common sharehoders fairly.

Rich, I know that you monitor this board. I have respect for the hard job you have. If you read this, I hope that you don't disapoint the people like myself amd those that call me basher who have been backing and encouraging the efforts. And have also been bringing new shareholders in to help support the share price over the last 6 months.

After the meeting when I hope things will be much clearer.

You don;t need to respond This is my last post, .


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