Silver Falcon Mining

Welcome to the Silver Falcon Mining HUB on AGORACOM (Edit this Message from the "Fast Facts" Section)
in response to diamondc's message

Mill information

RMS Ross Corporation has been contracted to engineer, fabricate, assemble and source the components needed for the Pilot milling and recovery circuit. This Pilot Mill is being constructed in an enclosed building at Diamond Creek, Idaho. (Note: the new mill is completed up on War Eagle Mountain.)

“We are in the process of installing a mill at War Eagle Mountain that will be capable of processing 30 tons ( this has since been upgraded to 400 tons/day) of ore per day through three circuits through a chemical free process. These circuits will operate as follows:

A crushing unit will reduce ore bearing rocks of various sizes to the size of a pea and smaller, and then mix the result with water in a steel ball mill to produce a cloudy liquid which is then strained through a <270 mm mesh strainer. The water will be provided by internal storage tanks and is recycled continuously, thus requiring only a small amount of water to make up for losses due to evaporation and spillage.

After the cloudy water is strained, it is then pumped into a concentrator, which is basically an inverted rubber bell that spins at a high rate of speed. The concentrator forces the slurry up the sides of the bell where the heavy metals escape the vessel through a series of holes around the top of the bell, where the metals fall as a paste into the next part of the process. The remaining water is then separated from the tailings produced during this part of the process and the tailings are then dried using a dewatering process. The dry tailings are stored in an outside tailings pile which will then be shaped consistent with the contours of the land and covered and seeded for preservation of land appearance. •

The paste produced in step two is then remixed with clear water and put through a vibrating process where the heavy metals (Gold, Silver, Titanium, etc) are separated from other substances and deposited in sealed containers. The final product is then assayed and sent to the contracted refinery for purification. The remaining water is then pumped to the dewatering system where the water is extracted from the tailings for reuse, and the tailings sent to join the tailings from step two.”

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Silver Falcon Mining
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