Silver Falcon Mining

Welcome to the Silver Falcon Mining HUB on AGORACOM (Edit this Message from the "Fast Facts" Section)
in response to Garick's message

Hi Garick:

Spiny is right and as always, on top of things. Also, there are many reasons on any given day for the bad guys to try to trounce gold and its shares. Here is a bit of a rambling, off the cuff post I did on "That other BB" are under attack today. Also, we are in a mrket that will be very volatile from now on for the PMs and the stocks...and all markets I think.

The Goldman Sachs fraud charge by the SEC today also had market impact. They had to do something to divert attention form the real problems so the SEC probably cut a deal with Goldman to take a hit to deflect the attention of the Goldman has been fraudulent for many years and one of the main instigators behind the fraudulent suppression of gold for over 11 years. Goldman is referred to as the Giant Squid sucking the life and honesty out of the markets. Many inluential graduates trained at GS are now in psotions of power throughout the world. Robert Rubin et all are graduates.

"The markets were totally manipulated today by the gangsters that run the US Admin. the Fed., the Treasury, Wall St. and others today...with the US $ being the recipient of life support guessed it...opaque mountains of paper printed by the Fed out of thin air and loaned to to the US Gov. (Taxapyers) who pay interest on it. The deficits soar.

However, as witnessed by the growing rise of Tea Party movement (forget politics here and think US Constitution)...which is basically demanding that the governmnet be returned to the people...the people (now 30% and even some Democrats joining the cause) are catching on. That whole Goldman Sachs vs. SEC thing today is merely a touch of hint of what is coming.

Today gold and silver had to be smashed by more shorting and printed money. The situation is growing very serious as silver is now a major threat to the concentrated big bullion bank shorts...who are so desperate they have been taking it out of the Silver SLV ETF to try to cover a small portion of the physical that is demanded for delivery. Many have now been waitng for months for their silver to be delivered and it ain't showing up. The crunch time is very near. What will they do? Demand has overtaken supply by a considerable edge.

All US citizens should be incandescent with rage at how they have been stolen from and lied to for years by the likes of Greenspan, Rubin, Summers, Paulson, Clinton, Bushes, Geithner, Obama, Kissenger, Wall St., and so many more. All of it centers around greed, power, arrogance, a sense of impunity, dishonesty,lieing and so much more. The price to be paid for all this is compounding daily. The Italians hung Mussolini and his wife from light poles in 1945 for just such reasons...treason. These people are now publicly being caught in their lies and it is beginnig to show on them. They are cornered so expect anything going forward.

Gold and silver (now sold out 100 times over) are at the heart of all truth and every evil attempt is now desperately being made to cover their bottoms and trying to keep the lie going by keeping their price suppressed.

That SFMI ( wit 5 to 10 millon ounces/gold equivqlent in and avove the ground, maintained its dignity today in the face of a blistering, organized, computerized, digital, short and naked short of all the JPMs and many of the major the bullions...speaks loudly for what it is really worth. The shorts and naked shorts on SFMI today must be almost overwhelming. We will never know how many hundreds of thousands naked shorts are now on ths stock. That it ended at almost 14 cents is a miracle.

Know that there are some very deep pockets behind SFMI that know what is going on and hold huge amounts of shares that are not being traded. SFMI is a very real threat now because the bad guys know how much value it has because of its rare large holdings of high grade, in-the-ground (deepstorage gold/silver )that is worth billions...and keep in mind how desperately every ounce of gld and silverid needed by the thieves in power who owe 100 times what they owe.

People, take close look at all the longs who post here who hold millions of shares. Listen to what they say for they are real and they are tellng you the truth. Promoters don't have their pictures taken and visit the mine site over years ... investors do.

Take a bit of time a try to find at least a handful of mines with the high grade, documneted resources that SFMI holds. There are virtually none out there in the whole world. Most are open pit mineers explorers with grades of .5 gm to 3 gm/t. You can not find reources like SFMI. there is a serious attempt discredit this gem by the powers that be. You can take that to the bank. All one has to do is read the copious information available on the website. "

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