San Gold Corporation

Welcome to the San Gold HUB on AGORACOM San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new gold exploration and mining companies.

I believe it is now accepted wisdom, if not an absolute truth, (as in the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West) that the gold and silver markets have been rigged for a very long time by the US Treasury Department and its bankster buddies, with help, as required, by their flunkies in London and, to a lesser extent, other European capitals and Ottawa - remember when we sold all our Bank of Canada gold at the request of our wonderful friends at the US Treasury Department.

In a rigged market, what happened in the past is of no assistance in determining what might happen in the future. And no one knows what nefarious and fraudulent plots (GLD and SLV are brilliant scams for selling paper gold and paper silver that doesn’t physically exist) the agents of the Treasury Department (TD) will create to keep the gold and silver price suppression scheme from crumbing into a pile of dust on the steps of the TD HQ at 15th.Street and Hamilton Place in Washington, DC.

It's like being at a craps table where the law of averages says the "seven" will appear six times in every thirty-six rolls.....and a prudent player bets accordingly.

But in the gold and silver craps game run by the US Treasury Department, Points 4,5,6 are the price of gold and Points 8,9 and 10 are the price of silver, and 98% of the players are, as usual, playing the Pass Line. Regardless of how many numbers the shooter rolls or how crazy and noisy the table gets, attracting every pit boss in the Casino, the "seven" will always, invariably and without exception appear before the Point number is rolled. And it will appear whenever the bankster agents of the US Treasury Department want it to appear. These are the naked short; raised margins; margin calls; derivatives, futures and options selling; smash down days.

But that’s OK. We will still win. We will wait’em out. All we have to do is buy shares in solid gold and silver mining companies in mining friendly locations with proven and probable reserves and resources that stretch to the horizon, like those of San Gold – SGR – at Bissett, MB and/or Alexco Resources – AXR – at Keno Hill, YT and sit tight.

Our day will come. Frauds do not go on forever……especially when the fraudster is a bankrupt Country, awash in a sea of criminal banksters.

And whenever I tell myself, “no more” – “no more”, every time the price of SGR and AXR take a dip, I hear in the distance the first faint strains of one of my favourite country tunes, and the enchanting and captivating voice of our very own Winnipeg girl, Lucille Starr, comes wafting into Burnaby on an easterly Manitoba breeze or a southern, Yukon wind, singing: “You’ve Got Me Under Your Spell Again” …………and I buy more.


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