San Gold Corporation

Welcome to the San Gold HUB on AGORACOM San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new gold exploration and mining companies.
in response to GordR18's message


Unsubstantiated claims of grandeur or impending doom are best left to Nostradamus as they will cost you some valuable points towards your rating. Also included in this category is repetition of the same question, fact or opinion over and over after a response has been provided or if there is currently no ascertainable answer..........................................

posted on Aug 18, 10 02:00PM Use the IP Check tool [?]

Hey Hotmuck, some time ago you posted that I was maybe too high on Lake Shore Gold, but if you have noticed, they are closing in on sgr's sp, probably soon to overtake it. Glad I didn't listen to you................................................................................................................

Re: New 43-101

in response to Re: New 43-101 by Blizzard
posted on Aug 19, 10 10:26AM Use the IP Check tool [?]

Since 1 day translates to a week for this management don't look for a new 43-101 until next year at the earliest. We all know their timelines by now..................................................................................................................

Re: Lesson

in response to Re: Lesson by Blizzard
posted on Aug 25, 10 11:20AM Use the IP Check tool [?]

Danno, don't hold your breath. This management thinks they, and they alone own this company and we, the small investor, are inconsequential once they have our money. I hold on to my shares in spite of them and will continue to do so.......................................

Re: What happened to rookieprospector as hub leader?

posted on Aug 26, 10 11:30AM Use the IP Check tool [?]

A better question might be, "what happened to Hotmuck as hub leader"? Maybe he doesn't have too many positive things to say about management's recent brilliant moves. lol...

Re: Holy Cow

in response to Re: Holy Cow by Silverback
posted on Sep 01, 10 12:24PM Use the IP Check tool [?]

Comparisons aren't really necessary, as we all, with the exception of Hotmuck of course, know what the problem is with this company................................................

Re: News rumoured!

in response to News rumoured! by rufdiamond
posted on Sep 02, 10 01:42PM Use the IP Check tool [?]

I think BlackCatBone as risen from the ashes as Daniel Bone on the other board. He's at his bashing best.



posted on Sep 03, 10 01:51PM Use the IP Check tool [?]

RMX is now .60 cents ahead of us and LSG is only .05 cents behind us and closing fast. If we're not the worst performing junior I don't know who is. Ginn and Wynne are getting rich though. I guess that's the most important thing..........................................LSG keeps itself in the media spotlight each and every week, and as a result, even with less resources, has managed to surpass SGR in SP. A perfect example of how proper management and competent IR can positively affect a SP. SGR needs a cleansing from top to bottom starting with Hugh "conflict of interest" Wynne, and Dale "I'll tell you what you want to hear" Ginn..


in response to Re: RGS by Agorafan
posted on Sep 08, 10 12:02PM Use the IP Check tool [?]

In a rearview mirror SGR would read RGS...............................................

Re: All the talk on this board...

posted on Sep 09, 10 12:14PM Use the IP Check tool [?]

Gold is presently $1287 CAD so falling gold prices is no excuse for SGR's poor performance this week. Throw in some more great drilling results plus POG and it is apparent what the problem is. Poor management and promotion. Nothing more, nothing less.............

Junior golds

posted on Sep 22, 10 03:00PM Use the IP Check tool [?]

Junior Golds all up today on $1290 pog except the runt of the litter, SGR. This is turning into a joke, a bad one at that..........................................................................................JUST from your last pg Gord..Traps7

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