POET Technologies Inc.

The way I have heard it explained (well before this NR). Firstly integration is expected in Q2. They will continue optimizing the components through Q2 as part of that process and this has always been the plan. There is no departure from the plan. It does not surprise me in the least the questions you are asking. What this news release should have done was make the market aware of just how good the POET devices are. The detector is the same structure as the VCSEL.

We have been told that there is advanced discussions taking place with interested parties for the detector and clearly the reason for this is that it exceeds the capabilities of what is in the market today. In other words at this stage it looks ready for someone to design a product to use the POET detector.

They are clearly doing very well and have made up the time that was lost changing foundries.

I think we will hear news about an IR sensing deal very soon.

The IR detector results were outstanding. The griz provided a good analogy. But ether the market does not get it or they think of the detector as a one hole wonder and not the discovery hole. It’s not. The detector alone is a company maker and that is just one component.

And also go back and read Mazan’s post. I am sure that Suresh and especially Subhash want to brag to the world about these results.

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