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Re: Someone needs to bring some attention to this

Or can we expect NRE for detectors anytime? FJ or Rainer shed some light...

over 8 years ago
Re: Someone needs to bring some attention to this

Right, lets see what happens in next 30-45days... I am hoping for VCSEL completion by before end of Q2 - 2016 and NRE after that... what do you think? or fully integrated VCSEL will be by Q4 2016?

over 8 years ago
Re: Someone needs to bring some attention to this

True but no one sees and will not see that until they have the product to sell it to $1 and the customer(s) there to buy it..

over 8 years ago
Re: Blue Ocean vs EBITDA

They announced many things.. PC announced revenue in 2014..

Sureshed announced NRE in Q2 2016....but now they announced Production ready by Q4 2016.. ok...

By end of Q4 2016 they may change things and tell us production ready by Q2 2017...

Investors are feeling that this company is tragging............OO well they have distruptive technology but they dont keep their promisses..

over 8 years ago
Re: speed

The man and the dog only works for man & dog... POET development is not based on that....

We all care about POETs development.... it is not reflected in the SP.. it is not following the pace they are working on it... so much development and SP is going down......

SP is simply based on NRE news or some sort of Revenue news....we should all care about it until the Revenues is out.........

over 8 years ago
Re: speed

when you care about the SP.. after 2018?

over 8 years ago
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