POET Technologies Inc.

in response to Rainer's message

I do appreciate the changes. The new presentation is much better for financial analysts and investors. It´s more to the point, less technical background. The slogan "performance of light at the cost of copper" should be more intrusive. I love it, it´s perfectly concise. They should tie it to the logo on every page. Wether the audiance listens carefully or not, is up to the presenters. I´m sure they will do their job.

The roadmap on Slide 18 tells me again, that Poet-VCSELs won´t be shipped soon: First Prototypes in Q42016 leading to On-Chip-Optics maybe 2019.

That means to me: We need a lot of patience, but we don´t need to care for short-term shareprice dumping. Share price may go north again when Investors anticipate the possibilities and when Poet gets to nasdaq, but that will be just the first steps. If Poet really delivers what they promise, there are several great years ahead.

I don´t agree with jackthebear. Management is not likely to sell Poet voluntary. They have long-term plans and they are proud to make this company the "monster" someone said. I want to ride this monster, though its risky.

When some Data Centers start to mount Poet-VCSELs, the others will have to follow. They can´t effort not to have these big advantages in cost, power, size and heat. It will be like a little snowball getting an avalanche. I want to surf this avalanche, though its risky.

I admit to have two concerns at the moment:

1. Will there be some Data-Center-customers to enter the market?

Worst scenario ever. No contracts, no revenue, share price down subterranean. But I think it´s very very unlikely. Poet´s Management with it´s connections and reputation combined with convincing prototypes should enable a market entry. Then the avalanche will gather speed.

2. Poet attacs the established semiconductor-companies (Intel, Samsung,...) and attracts Big-Data-handling-companies (Apple, google,...). Will they allow us to survive?

I absolutely don´t know the answer. If they won´t allow us to survive, there are two possibilities: Poet is acquired for own profits or Poet is destroyed. The named companies have the power to do both, no matter our Management doesn´t want this to happen. To wipe Poet out of semiconductor history doesn´t make sense to me as other ones with disruptive developments will follow und you can´t kill ´em all. To buy Poet now as a tiny & cheap company would make perfect sense for the buyer, at least my shares are supposed to rise in this case. But the bright future is gone.

Because the most dangerous scenarios (No customers / killed by intel) are the most unlikely ones, I will stay long.

All IMO, of course.

Question: The VCSELs are one part of the trancievers (the heart of course). Does anyone have an idea who makes all the rest? Will Poet be principal or agent? Who´s name will be printed on the box when shipped?

The Holk

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