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Re: Newest Issue of Semiconductor Today Mag

Thanks for sharing. I think it´s a roundup and a clear view of what POET will face in 2017.


Here you can see all the milestones for POET-products written down. This is most important to me. Read the paragraph "Ultimately, realizing the commercial potential of the POET technology..." That´s why commercialization won´t happen before 2018. You simply can´t do this in a few months. If this were stated earlier loud and clear, a lot of confusion would have been prevented. This is a list of items we can check off one after the other (hopefully).


"POET ... expects that the DL business unit will develop into a robust platform for the commercialization of POET technology."

read: DL is important as POET won´t be able to get POET-powered AOCs ready without DL´s revenues. I think some posters want POET to concentrate on POET products as they invested in POET´s groundshaking platform, not in DL´s basket of goods. Understandable, but management tells us DL´s sucess is vital for the development of POET. So let´s welcome DL with a hug, not a kick in the arse. I prefer DL-revenues (maybe added by NREs) instead of another "public offering of units".


Just my view.







over 7 years ago
Re: All roads lead to POET. Diversion ahead?

Thanks for this important information, oz4m2!




over 7 years ago
All roads lead to POET. Diversion ahead?

As far as we know, POET is the only one to integrate photonics monolithic – today I want to narrow down: as far as GaAs is concerned.

At this board I found links to the pic international conference some days ago. Another speaker at this conference will be James Regan from EFFECT Photonics:

Looking at their website, It looks as they already did monolithic integration with InP. They have even shown a working prototype:


That was March, 2016!!!

To be fair, their Site isn´t very specific in technical informations and there is nothing substantial reported after the presentation of this prototype. So there is room for speculation: Did it work properly? Did they really make it with (monolithic) InP alone? If any of you tech-savvy ones can give me more information I´m thankful.

What worries me:

- InP aims at longer reaches than GaAs, as I learned here. But I learned as well that POET (with Denselight/BB) wants to get a grip on InP markets. Competition in "monolithism"?

- We all hope that showing a working prototype changes everything at once. I am not sure about it any longer, as EFFECT´s prototype was shown back in 03/2016 and none of us even knew it. Or did You know?

I still believe in tremendous possibilities, but be aware of red spots in our blue ocean.


over 7 years ago
Re: Silicon Photonics Article

Thanks for sharing, BCD.

They are adressing the same problems, with the same course of action and the same business ideas, but with another technological approach. So the questions are: Whose technology is better and whose solutions will be adopted? Right now it seems to me POET is ahead in time and in technology so POET will get its share. I don´t panic.

And I believe it will not be „them or us“, it will be how much for them (and others) and how much for us. Technological needs differ and so do solutions. This ocean may be very big and there is room for a lot of fish, but it´s not all blue any more. No matter what, POET may grow big, getting a huge monster fish.

Wasn´t it Ajit Manocha saying that he wished PC contacted him two years earlier? This is why. Setting an industry standard is a matter of time as well as a matter of technology.

Off for a long weekend. Holk

about 8 years ago
Re: Reports are up on SEDAR

Yes, but that is not the whole truth about Denselight. Have a look at the MD&A page 17 (sorry I can´t post screen shots):

Sales 577

Cost of Sales -410

Selling, marketing,... -496

R&D -18

Net Loss = 348

Pretty much room for improvements. I don´t care too much at the moment, let´s wait and see what the Q3-numbers will tell.

about 8 years ago
JTP: The lost year.

2016 - another lost year?

Shareprice-wise: Yes (so far). If I look at the technological and economical developments, I dare to say: No. Same old story, the company POET is moving forward but SP stays low. Not a very comfortable situation for an investor. Too much buying opportunities.

Risk: this keeps going on, because the rest of the world doesn´t see the progress or the products will be not good enough or POET will never get a grip on semi-market for another reason. And there are lots of unknown possible reasons. Up to 100% loss.

Chance: inverse scenario. Huge gains.

To me it seems we are heading some very important crossroads. Management told us more about their plans than ever before but we don´t know if it happens that way - business as usual / believe it or leave it.

Conficence? Yes. Blindness? No.

If it was a no-brainer, SP would be skyhigh already. So there is certain risk – welcome to venture world. Stand the risk, ask questions, make comments, but don´t yammer the pipeline (I´m far from getting angry).

Good luck


about 8 years ago
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