POET Technologies Inc.

in response to fairchijisback's message

Fairchij or anyone else, curious what your thoughts are on the following as it hit me the first time I watched the presentation and they mentioned handing over the prototypes for testing/benchmarking after they are completed.

If we need to qualify for Nasdaq by meeting standards in April, how can this be possible if a potential partner/customer will also need time (likely 2-4 weeks minimum) to do their testing and benchmarking against a silicon equivalent and following that (assuming success), get the contracts/deals written up and signed with lawyer involvement as well. In our software business, contract negotations and final paperwork can take months to iron out. I assume some of this would be prepared ahead of time though. This doesn't leave much wiggle room to have this all completed and allow for a large run up in price all within the same month (April).

The milestones aren't to be completed until likely end of March if history is any indication. Now is the completion of the milestone just implementing the oscillator and 50 GHz VCSEL or do they include the testing by whoever requested them as well? This is unclear to me and hoping someone else knows more. At this point, I could really use a nice lift in the short term more than most right now so I'm just trying to gauge other than announcement of a CEO, what could cause a 200-300% increase in share price that we will need by end of April. I can envision a run up on speculation and anticipation of these milestones and subsequent deals being announced but I don't see that being enough without an announcement of partnerships and the million dollar question is can a partnership be announced before the benchmarking is completed?

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