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Copetti and the prospectus

If we take a look at the page 16-17 of the prospectus and the Rainer Spreadsheets , we can conclude that Peter did not exercice all his ''in the money options''. He has a lot of options remaining at 0.235. Dr Taylor is a lot more active.

almost 8 years ago
Gary Lerude Weekly report

Gary Lerude Weekly report:

POET Technologies demonstrated an HFET fabricated with their externally fabbed, III-V optoelectronic process. They now have two of the three basic building blocks required for optoelectronic transceivers. The remaining hurdle is the VCSEL, which they hope to demonstrate within months. The company is pursuing active optical cables (AOC) for data centers, the same market Intel is targeting.

about 8 years ago
Re: Prototype by the end of this year

According to his facebook post, it is the integrated VCSEL transceiver.

Rainer Klute a partagé sa publication.

Timeline remains unchanged: POET's integrated VCSEL transceiver to be ready by the end of this year. I have updated my blog post.

Thanks for this post Rainer.

about 8 years ago
The options..... City Investors Circle comment


Whilst the granting of options is seen as important to incentivise management (don’t their salaries do that?) I have never been a big fan as they are in fact a one way bet, management reap any reward without taking any financial risk, whilst investors supply the risk capital, but don’t share the no risk reward if a project becomes a winner. Nice if you can get it!

In this case management have 20% of the outstanding shares as options! This is way too many in my opinion.

And the new options granted were at the current share price, 86c, so where’s the challenge there? Surely options are a reward to be earned? So why not price them at, say, $1.20,? so at least if they exercise them, the shareholders have also been rewarded by an increased share price.

And they are valid for 10 YEARS! Where on earth is the challenge? It’s actually negative for the company in my opinion that such an easy target over such a great length of time has been given. It doesn’t suggest a great deal of confidence in the near term!

i don’t support option grants like this, the exchange should have rules to prevent it in my humble opinion.They should be a reward for increasing shareholder value, not a gimmee.

Read more:

about 8 years ago
Dr Taylor and the detector

First of all, thanks to Rainer for his fantastic post.

Here are some comments from the Dr taylor about the detector (2014):

POET will be the future platform for integrated IR and many other device systems.”

The POET IR device addresses the need of military and industrial clients for uncooled mid-wave infrared (MWIR) and long-wave infrared (LWIR) sensors and cameras – for perimeter security, thermography, medical imaging, automotive forward sensors, and smartphone input applications. It has potential advantages over competitive devices in three aspects:

  • MWIR and LWIR detection in the same pixel.MWIR detection (2-8um) occurs in self-assembled quantum dots with normal incidence light and no diffraction gratings, and uses only the n-type heterointerface within POET. The p-type interface results in LWIR detection (8-12um). By combining both interfaces within POET, MWIR and LWIR detection will be obtained simultaneously in the same pixel.

  • Lower device cooling requirements. Near-room-term temperature operation is another advantage of the POET IR detector, possible because of the lower device dark current.

  • Integrated optoelectronic advantages. The devices provides for the practical integration, for the first time, of the optical detector with the electronic transistor readout and signal-processing circuits. Thus, high-density, single-chip focal-plane arrays are possible using front-side imaging, without resorting to wafer thinning.

over 8 years ago
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