POET Technologies Inc.

in response to etops's message

It's almost 5 years that I bought my first POET shares - a hell of a ride since then, wow. But in all these years there was only one very early point in time where I've come close to sell them, that was when the western solar sector started collapsing. Today I can say, I fortunately read about ODIS and the concept we all know as POET and, coming from an IT background, I immediately grasped the possible impact this could have on almost every aspect of our (technical) lives.

Then last April I came across this forum and since have been a loyal reader on a daily basis, though I'm no busy author (I tend to produce pretty long texts which I feel may become boring).
I wasn't an experienced trader and still am not but over the past months I've learned a lot about people's (and my) emotions and what simple questions or statements can do to a stocks share price, in particular on an exchange like the Venture.
The problem is the internet. It has become a huge playground for the most dubious people with even more dubious methods. Whenever I finished reading a message here I was asking myself is this real or is he/she playing foul. To be honest, I wasn't even sure if POET Inc. is real or nothing but a giant hoax.

Long story short. Yesterdays video of the presentation in London has changed all this and dispelled all of my doubts in this respect. I could see those (up to then) anonymous persons and heard them repeat all those nice pieces of information that I preferably read here, mainly from fairchij, robvanhooren, ogee and Rainer to name a few. For me these 45 minutes reduced my investment risk to a level that every company has to face. Everywhere and in every stage of its entire existence. And for me this level of risk compared to the potential gains is an absolute no-brainer.

I don't care if we have this ring oscillator and this VCSEL in March, April or May. And I give a s... on a NASDAQ uplisting in 3, 5 or 8 months. They can even increase the number of shares if that is what serves us best. I will finally sit back in my chair watching the share price doing whatever he likes and wait patiently (and dreaming) for the things to come. Yeah!

Good luck everybody


PSThere is only one thing I am very sorry about. I wish Dr. Chowaniec was still an active part of this exciting story. I'm sure all of our thoughts are with his family and his friends.

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