POET Technologies Inc.


Questions for the day......

Has anyone ever investigated their family tree ?

Has anyone ever investigated PTK's potential family tree ?

We have a white board here in one of the lunch rooms where we hold our meetings. Its really quite interesting to see the 6 degrees of separation, the potential family tree, the potential relationships that could be part of the future of POET. I think it was Oogee that posted the picture or graphic of the dramatic increase in potential customer base. Thats similar to what we have with lots of lines and paste ups and even a few pieces of string stretched from here to there. It would look like a craft show had you not known what we were doing. The amazing thing is how many industries, products, and lives this is going to touch.

I said it was a "legacy stock" and still and will always believe it.

I mentioned yesterday about the significance of the office in Silicon Valley. This is in itself a huge development with a huge personality on the world stage to head it up. Remember this is a man who has the ear of the President on economic develoment issues in the technology industry. Ever larger, is his connectivity potential. To give you an idea, my contact list within the industry numbers over 1200 individuals and companies with whom about 70% are constant contacts. I can imagine his is substantially higher and substantially better in position and quality of that said contact than mine. Whereas I have Tim and Bob Jones of XYZ Company marlketing he has Tim Cook, Ginny Rometty, senior executives from every technology company and start up in the land, and probably just about every finance house and banking institution. Including NASDAQ's HQ and San Francisco office.

To say that you have someone of his abilities and knowledge base heading up your companies business face, is like saying Warren Buffett is handling your pension investments.

So whats the office going to be doing ?

From my experience and what I would be doing is using advantages of extensive face time for clientele, huge legitimacy because the man in the chairs CV, I would be able to answer in person, critical questions and inquiries and snuff out any negatives brought forward. Audio visual aids and printed paraphernalia will also no doubt be available.

So if you really want to get excited. First, SFO International Airport is a major world hub and destination airport servicing the technology industry. Second, just about every technology company out there has an office in Silicon Valley, even us.


Third, its a well known spot for gossip, and therefore industry chat. Imagine once Mr. Manocha begins to circulate at cocktail events and industry shows espousing POET. Like putting out a fire with gasoline.





I say this only because in our business word travels fast. Okay so next question..."Then why is the price per share so low?" .....and the answer...."PPS has nothing to do with our current standing and knowledge base within the industry".

How do we know that key people are not chippoing away at it now ?

A discussion for better people than I.

Suffice to say.....roots are in....the trunk has broken ground and soon enough will yield Acorns.

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