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Remember Andrea...

...and her Poet Shareholders Association? Somewhere she is sadly shaking her head. It's a pity she took so much abuse for an idea that could have come in handy now.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Alfalight question


Thank you both for your thoughts, certainly supported by some circumstancial evidence.

Interesting times, to watch Warrior as well as the TRAB, which has also raised a similar enigma for us, in that it was formed about two years ago, recently confirmed still in operation, and suggested others have joined that subgroup; and that they come forward from time to time to POET senior management with questions; and about the time of its formation was a suggestion, I seem to recall, that rather than money, 80 or so engineers working on development would be just as valuable as cash. It seems again that below the surface, like Warrior, this too is another wild card yet to land.

Just thoughts, again thank you for your hypotheses.

As always...Pauline

about 8 years ago
Alfalight question

Hi Folks,

My husband and I were discussing recent events, and during the discussion, neither one of us could understand why Alfalight was sold, for a million and change, some cash and some assumption of balance of outstanding accounts; Mr. Warrior, it seems, now unemployed, just reelected as a board member and in receipt of 150,000 options; Alfalight/Warrior reportedly strong connections to military, potential applications...raises the question, for a million dollars, why would Poet not acquire, to continue the buzz, and to maintain a toehold in the military sector.

Mr. Warrior clearly has value, but as shareholders, it is not transparent to us. Why continue appointment and allocation of options?

Would welcome any thoughts...strong belief there is something below the surface, but wrestling with the enigma.

As always...Pauline

about 8 years ago
"Apple needs to release a good computer if it wants Oculus Rift support"

"The title of this article is not the opinion of the author, it’s a summary of why there’s noOculus Riftsupport for Macs as explained by Oculus VR founder Palmer Luckey.

During an Xbox press event he was interviewed on camera by ShackNews, which you can watch in full below. One of the questions asked was whether there would eve be Mac support for the Rift, which would surely be beneficial to Oculus’ sales. But Luckey was very clear: a lack of Mac support is due to Apple, not Oculus.

Luckey explains that there is no Mac hardware on the market today that’s good enough to support the Rift. No model or configuration meets the basic hardware requirements of the Rift, and that includes the top-of-the-line $6,000 Mac Pro. In order for Mac support to be viable, Apple would need to start using high-end GPUs.

Luckey’s comments put into perspective Apple’s priority when it comes to hardware development. They want products that look beautiful and perform well for every day tasks and a common set of software the majority of consumers use. High-end performance, and in particular graphics, is not a priority. If it was, those Mac price tags would be even higher (or Apple’s profitmargins lower) and battery use figures would suffer (bold added).

It seems unlikely Apple will respond to Luckey’s comments by making a hardware change. It’s actually more likely we’ll see Apple develop its own virtual reality headset it can control completely and in the process prove Luckey wrong. You could also argue it’s way too early for Apple to even consider VR as a product ready for consumers and therefore worth investing in."

over 8 years ago
Indian executives are Silicon Valley kingpins


"...Both men are described as intellectually brilliant and driven, yet also possessing a sense of humility — traits increasingly associated with top Indian execs. And both studied at Indian Institutes of Technology before continuing their postgraduate education in the US...

...The current crop of Indian CEOs also represent the cream their generation, according to venture capitalist Venktesh Shukla, who is president of the Silicon Valley branch of networking organisation The Indus Entrepreneurs...

They mostly came here in the days of socialism in India when opportunities were very limited and United States immigration policy only let in the most highly qualified," he said. "So what you have here is the best of the best.

Shukla also believes that Indian culture can help create a successful management paradigm because he says it's a nation that places high value on both competition and individual humility. Diversity is also ingrained in a country where even in small villages there may be multiple languages spoken, several religions and more than one type of local cuisine.

If you've grown up in India you instinctively know people are different, not superior, just different. The ability to leverage diversity is a strength here in Silicon Valley where if you can get more revenue or deliver a better product it doesn't matter what you look like or how you speak.

Gurnek Bains, founder and chairman of a global business psychology consultancy YSC and author of Cultural DNA: The Psychology of Globalization added that this ingrained understanding of diversity also comes from the Indian traditions of multiple gods, multiple realities and multiple perspectives.

It also means they can engage the ambiguity of a fast-changing world in industries such as IT," said Bains, whose company carries out in-depth assessments of business leaders around the world. Bains suggested that Americans are more likely “to think: ‘This is the right way of doing things. It works in America.’ ”

over 8 years ago
Common thread - POET - ?

II-VI Press Release

January 19, 2016

II‐VI Incorporated to Acquire EpiWorks, Inc. and ANADIGICS, Inc. for a Combined $110M, Expands Technology Platforms and Production Capacity to Address Fast Growing Markets for Semiconductor Lasers
Click here to download the Press Release (PDF)

(sorry for the formatting, easier to read if you click on the PDF)

II‐VI Incorporated to Acquire EpiWorks, Inc. and ANADIGICS, Inc. for a Combined $110M, Expands Technology Platforms and Production Capacity to Address Fast Growing Markets for Semiconductor Lasers  Acquisition of Epiworks is valued at approximately $43.0M in cash due at closing with a $6M earn out  Acquisition of ANADIGICS valued at approximately $61.0M in cash due at closing; tender offer to begin in January 2016  Company plans to commence integration as soon as practicable  Company updates guidance for the quarter to revenue of $189‐191M, EPS of $0.28‐0.30 PITTSBURGH, January 19, 2016 /GLOBE NEWSWIRE/ ‐ II‐VI Incorporated (Nasdaq:IIVI), a leader in semiconductor lasers, announced today that it signed agreements to acquire two businesses that will expand its technology platforms and production capacity for semiconductor lasers with a scalable 6‐inch epitaxial growth and wafer fabrication platform. These acquisitions will further position the company to serve fast‐growing markets addressed by Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSELs). VCSELs provide unique advantages in a variety of applications in consumer electronics, data centers, sensing, medical and industrial markets and are expected to grow at greater than 20% a year. EpiWorks, Inc. is a global leader in high volume epitaxial growth of compound semiconductor wafers for electronic and photonic device applications. Located in Champaign, IL, it has 2015 revenue of approximately $14 million. Its 25,000‐square foot, Class 1000 cleanroom epi foundry will provide significant expansion of II‐VI’s product portfolio. EpiWorks’ expertise dovetails with II‐VI’s core competencies as an engineered materials company. ANADIGICS, Inc. brings to II‐VI a high volume foundry unmatched in the production of 6‐inch gallium arsenide (GaAs) wafers. The acquisition of this foundry adds capacity more quickly and economically than building it new. II‐VI believes that controlling a scalable infrastructure is critical for extending the Company’s Laser Enterprise product portfolio technology and positioning II‐VI as the world leader in VCSEL technology. ANADIGICS had year to date (nine months) revenue of $46 million and net assets of approximately $28 million as of October 3, 2015. Francis J. Kramer, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer said, “VCSELs address the need for increasingly intelligent human‐machine interfaces such as gesture recognition in consumer electronics products as well as the growing demand for short‐reach high‐speed optical connectivity in data centers worldwide. Our engagement with key customers in these and other markets has been sufficiently compelling to lead us to believe that this investment is needed now.” The combined value of these acquisitions is $110 million in cash and both are expected to close within 60 days. On a non‐GAAP basis, the company expects these transactions to be accretive to continuing operations beginning in the second half of calendar 2017. For the quarters preceding that, the transaction is expected to be dilutive due to investment in the 6” platform. The Company will provide an update on the financial expectations when the transactions close. II‐VI Incorporated January 19, 2016 Page 2 ‐ more ‐

The EpiWorks transaction is subject to the approval of EpiWorks’ shareholders. The holders of shares representing 83% of the votes have signed support agreements to vote in favor of the acquisition. For the ANADIGICS transaction, a tender offer for all outstanding common stock must begin within 10 business days and remain open for at least 20 business days. A majority of the outstanding shares of ANADIGICS must be tendered to complete the acquisition. One‐time expenses of up to $10 million or $0.15/share may be incurred over the next four quarters to fully integrate core operations into the Laser Solutions Segment. Following closing, we will move rapidly to serve customers, integrate key operations and reduce operating losses. The Company is financing the acquisitions from available cash and borrowings under its credit facility. The Company is updating its revenue and EPS guidance for the second fiscal quarter ended December 31, 2015. The Company expects revenue to be between $189‐191M and EPS to range from $0.28‐$0.30 including the extension of the R&D tax credit. The Company further expects to continue its share repurchases after it reports the results of the quarter ended December 31, 2015

over 8 years ago
Pauline Power
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