POET Technologies Inc.

in response to crzyhors's message

Last year I think there was about 100 Agoracom members who reported that they owned almost 20% of the company (going by memory so these could be incorrect - but it is still a very significant number). We will find out in a few days the % from the current Agoracom members who reported their holdings. If it is say 100 members and they all or most are in for the end game like you then that is a very powerful position if we all hang in there. Sure there are some on here who have reported that they have some long term holdings while they also have a flipping account. Those flipping accounts will not be an issue especially when the news gets released. Each of us has our own methods and decsion criteria but from most of the longs it looks like many are prepared to hold to hit a very high target absent a nasty surprise. For me I checked Dr. T out and from what I have been told he is the real deal and not one to misrepresent. He has been doing this work for a long time and truly wants to see his baby working in new gear as soon as practical. I also considered the fact that UConn put another $5 mil into the company and agreed to the royalty reduction. That wouldn't likely have happened absent a solid review by UConn. Not saying that that is all the DD I did but for me in addition to the disruptive technogy potential and these 2 items I did more buying on 2 occassions since EC.

I do appreciate the sharing and work all the folks on this Board have provided all of usl - not that I or we agree with it all (as evidenced by some of the rebutal) but rather that diversity of views and opinions helps get new perspectives and forces you to review your own thought process and do more DD and hopefully more comfortable with your own decisions.

In my view if you like the stock for your own reasons and have done your own DD and can handle the risk then probably best to stay tough and long

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