POET Technologies Inc.

I'm like many here who feel that they are enjoying the EC presentation more each time they watch it. I think the initial disappointment results from a mixture of factors including the expectaion of a major announcement (which was never promised) and the subdued and somewhat flawed delivery during the prepared portion of the presentation. Another minor complaint might relate to the (as always) highly technical nature of the presentation, which is out of reach of most people.

Now that we know the EC was just the EC and nothing else, we can watch and enjoy all of the valuable information that was presented. I'd like to think that the video which is now on the company site will be a must-watch video as part of doing serious DD. Many of the attendees were investment bankers who don't do impulse buys. They will take their time to finish their DD and won't mind if they have to buy at a higher price if POET checks out. And when they buy it will be lots of shares.

What I would like to see next is a conference call with any upcoming big development. Say what you will about the prepared speech, but IMO both Geoff and Peter were EXCELLENT during the question period. This is not surprising since Peter did such a great job for the midas letter interview, and both he and Geoff have a proven record of stirring up excitement in print interviews.

For most people, the decision about what to say in a speech ends up being mostly about what they would like the audience to know, or what they themselves find exciting. The Q&A gave the audience control over what was discussed (for the better, and the worse) but it really gave the boys the chance to shine without worrying about whether they were remembering to say everything they had prepared. Again, the real gems of this presentation were delivered in response to questions, which is why they should lean on this format. If they give more interviews and conference calls they will win back those who were underwhelmed by the speech.

Byron King was at the EC and perhaps he could enlighten us again with another published article including his interpretation of the info presented!

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